Biofluid vibration spectroscopy is an exceptional method for monitoring the intensity and spectrum distribution of light emitted by a sample after being excited by a high-intensity laser light. Its approach is seen to be non-destructive in addressing biofluids in diagnosis and screening. That being said, are there additional techniques that can observe novel biomarkers aside from this?


Leal, L. B., Nogueira, M. S., Canevari, R. A., & Carvalho, L.F.C.S. (2018). Vibration spectroscopy and body biofluids: Literature review for clinical applications. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 24, 237-244.

Mitchell, A. L., Gajjar, K. B., Theophilou, G., Martin, F. L., & Martin-Hirsch, P. L. (2014, March 20). Vibrational spectroscopy of biofluids for disease screening or diagnosis: translation from the laboratory to a clinical setting. Journal of Biophotonics, 153–165. DOI 10.1002/jbio.201400018

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