Human begins are said to be a social animal striving every day to satisfy certain desire or desires of life. So when would an individual gets to the point of fulfillment?
Generally speaking, every day is a new beginning and new desires, aspirations and anxieties come with it. It seems that most human beings are insatiable because the fulfillment of each goal triggers another one. Inherently, this is very good because if there are no perceivable goals in life, we find life absurd, and such a feeling brings with it a lot of despair. A Persian poet has a very nice couplet about man and his desires. In this couplet, he compares man to a rolling wave of the sea stating that we feel alive because we are constantly in motion just like the ocean waves; our demise reaches when we stop acting and moving toward prespecified goals.
Best regards,
R. Biria
I think Fulfilment is all about one's own interpretation of things. Its not all about results of something say success or failure. Fulfilled persons enjoyed the overall process, each and every moments, ready to face both failure and success.
With thanks
Man has an insatiable quest and would hardly be fulfilled. This is reflected in the Ghanaian proverb: 'While there is still a head, we can't refuse to wear hats.' We have inner drive to strive for more and better achievements! However, we gain fulfillment to some degree, when our set targets and goals are attained. I did same when I hit my 30 academic paper publication target!
Life is not a bag which becomes fulfilled during its existence, it happens in circles of energy exchange (see metabolic processes), has highlights in most abilities (like intelligence, memory etc) and then decreases. Today more and more people have their death with dementia or Parkinson disease without being a person (better: a personality) in the full sense of the word: they are "empty" as personalities , but nevertheless they have dignity.
In circle, there are up and downs at each point, as it is attached to its centre. A man satisfies with some things at several times, but new desires/outcomes wait him/her.
To be fulfilled the person needs to love someone or a God more than himself.
In this case, Maslow's theory of the hierarchy of needs is very useful. According to this five-stage theory, the final goal of Human being is Self-actualization needs - realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences. A desire “to become everything one is capable of becoming” (Maslow, 1987, p. 64). see more on
Recent research on the relations of personality to well-being shows that the people who are most healthy, happy and fulfilled are those who are high in all three of the character traits of self-directedness, cooperativeness, and self-transcendence as measured by the Temperament and Character Inventory. In the past, the healthy personality has often been considered to require only high self-directedness and high cooperativeness. However, now the self-centred behaviour of people who are low in self-transcendence is degrading the conditions needed for sustainable life by all human beings. Consequently, human beings need to and can develop their capacity for self-transcendence in order to maintain their individual and collective well-being.
Article What Makes People Healthy, Happy, and Fulfilled In The Face ...
Dear Kayode,
The response is simple: the work, family and our personal pretension… The most pretension persons are never fulfilled.
True fulfillment comes in discerning, accepting, and doing God's will in your life.
Best regards,
In fact, fulfillment is a relative issue. Family and work career are main things that makes an individual fulfilled.
compliments from superiors, impressing senior researchers, and surprising family members makes an individual the fulfilled person..
The definition of fulfillment differs from person to person. What may be fulfilling for me, may not at all be the same for another person. Fulfillment should come from within. A satisfied person is one who is contented from within, has minimum wants and desires and believes in that GREAT ALMIGHTY FORCE, that nothing is finally in our hands and that whatever happens, will be for our best!
"Good personal qualities" make an individual a fulfilled person.
According to Opatha (2010) personal quality is considered as an essential factor that determines a person’s development, others’ development, institutional development and nation development. Opatha (2010) states that personal quality is perceived as a concept considering of three dimensions such as,
1. Personal Character: the totality of persistent moral qualities a person has
2. Personal Management: the totality of attributes in planning and controlling a person’s life for achieving his or her life goals without wasting time, energy and available resources
3. Personal Key Success Factors: the vital qualities one should possess in order to accomplish a certain target which is desired state to be achieved in future.
Opatha, H.H.D.N.P.,2010. Personal Quality.University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
Unless I am satisfied with what I have and feel greatfull to god for this life there won't be fulfilment as far I am concerned.
I don't think I can easily get that feel before I reach my death bed
I think I have to thank you all for these comments.
I quite satisfied with these points
Fulfillment may seem like the elusive desire that’s driving an entire consumerist market, but that’s only because smart people are capitalizing on something that’s ingrained in all of us (or at least, ingrained in us by the millions): We have an aching desire to live a meaningful life, but no one really seems to know how.
Somewhere along the line, we confused happiness for what we have, as opposed to what we do. We thought that the solution to an incomprehensible emptiness was to fill everything else around us. Needless to say: This has mostly, if not entirely, failed.
Excepted: Robert Bloch: That Hell-Bound Train (a sci-fi novel)
But this clock does not exist.
Thanks for you responses. they serve as an anti-dose to many in similar circumstances.
First, it actually depends on how you define the word "fulfillment". Second, it depends how you set your expectations (which may be anchored on your hopes/dreams).
An individual can come to the point of fulfillment when one knows who He is in Reality. All the achievements in the world are Relative. Permanent Happiness lies when one realizes His Own Self (Soul Conscious).
No and not to be.
Satisfied person or full filled persons generally loose creativity.
Ofcourse yes. When one is satisfied with his performance in his endeavours.
The same way that we all have different faces, we also have different level and type of fulfillment inside, at the different times in our life; because in every culture, every age, the inner personality has its own description and reaction toward the sense of "fulfillment" to demonstrate.
The question is interesting. A man to prove that he can often take up the task he has. Full satisfaction is achieved when the task is done positively. However, this is a small step towards a further bigger task. This produces until it comes to the competence of the person and the role of participation and the other person working in a team. This may take a long time.
Wishing for success in research.
Emil Yankov
Only when the research pauses is there time to view what appear to be fulfillment in the distance, but these pauses are rare and the distance are quite long..
Dennis Mazur
Great discussion on a good introspective question! I too believe in Maslow's theory which some have mentioned above! The final achievement in a person's life is self actualization or fulfillment or satisfaction, which has been defined in different ways by great thinkers. Again, your answer lies in how you look at it!
Life in social, policy and economic environments can determine human life conditions. That's a philosophic topic.
Dear Ghose Bishwajit,
You agreed that I deliberately refused to give a definite definition of fulfillment. This is because I did not want to set any target as a point or bases of answering the question. Self- actualization is not my operational definition.
Thank you
Human is a special creation of Allah. She/he has a mental to know about the life.
Fulfillment is a temporary condition. Until you transcend/outgrow a desire, it will generally return.
Can a man be fulfilled? Yes. What makes an individual a fulfilled person? I believe it is the attainment of all or majority of his/her lifetime goals. Fulfillment is a sense of satisfaction by an individual of a life well lived or something well done to the utmost ability.
Jesus Christ on the cross of calvary said 'It is finished'.
Fulfillment could come when one receives the certificate of an exam written. It could come during graduation. It could come during marriage. It could come during child birth. It could come when one gets to the top cadre of one's career. It could come when one is celebrated by an honour, award or other form of recognition. It could come by one's relationship with God. It could come upon living long enough to see one's grand children and great grand children.
Fulfillment is a form of gratification for the actualization of a want or series of wants.
It varies from person to person. I think an individual who seeks fulfilled status don't require others validation and judgments.
12 Secrets to Men Feeling Alive and Fulfilled in a Relationship:
Feeling of fulfillment is a relative thing. The level of Self-actualization (in Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory) refers to what a person's full potential is and the realization of that potential.
If an individual feels full filled with his life....that means the end of life
Even Yogi-Sanyasi...the one detached with whole world do tapasya for fulfillment of their life's ambition...i.e., to reach the heavens/ god. goes on as we crave for something or the other.
A fulfilled person can realize and live up to its highest potential and talents. In our current economic system, which is based on (pathological) growth by consumption and energetic entropy, the dominant materialist value preferences make this existential model of human creativity extremely difficult, due to the dictates of the total monetary economy. The demand for talent of all kinds is very high, while the promotion of talent is very low; the equation of time=money is simply wrong, but it is applied as canonized dogma in social systems. We have to envisage a next generation economic system, where more and more people can express their unique talents freely, without being driven into 'forced labor contracts' and high speed marketing of 'skills'. Yes, man can be a fulfilled living body and soul, but certain inner and outer barriers have to be overcome.
Dear Stephen - in few words you have summed up some of the most pressing problems of today’s world - but I also like that you have pointed to a way forward- warm regards Tina
Yes. When he is satisfied with his conscience over issues or past anticedence especially when weighed on a moral scale.
A man bought a sheep for his family for celebrating a special event. The night before the event; poor people came and ask for charity. The next morning of celebration; the wife told her husband: I gave almost all of it ; only one quarter of the sheep is left. The husband replied: All is left only one quarter of it.
Fulfillment is the result of completion of our assignment or our action plan but all through this may offer to us a satisfaction & mental happiness however we should also find out the contributory action of person associated with our group or we may also find out the particular of knowledge of other person either thru magazine or the any convenient tools .
For individuals who desires to have the success of the fulfillment should all the time review their action ,their performance ,& also to carry out their own introspection so that they may give justice to their fulfillment .
This is my personal opinion
Fulfilled persons or person having contentment can enjoy this life and its each and every moments and they will be ready to face both failure and success. Contented person can limit their wishes and longings though it can not be given up completely, since everyone is living in this materialistic world.
Hi dear friends and colleagues
I definitely agree with dear Dr José Vilemar Magalhaes Silva , only would like to add that if someone respect to her /his personality and consciousness innerly she/he would be fulfilled completely!
Through one’s own achievements, recognition in society and satisfaction with self and surroundings may make a person feel fulfilled.
Self-actualized individuals value their privacy and enjoy solitude. While they also love the company of others, taking time to themselves is essential for their personal discovery and cultivating their individual potential.
Fulfillment seem like the elusive desire that’s driving an entire consumerist market, but that’s only because smart people are capitalizing on something that’s ingrained in all of us . We have an desire to live a meaningful life, but no one really seems to know how.
Fulfillment is relative and sometimes abstract. It differs from person to person. In capitalistic societies by and large it is equated to wealth or power which is just a superficial measure of internal happiness or satisfaction. I don't think anyone is totally fulfilled during their journey on thsi earth although some may think that they have fulfilled all their dreams and desires. As some have answered above, fulfillment may come closer to teh time of dying although no one has come back from death to tell us if that is true. One goes though moments of being satisfied afetr an accomplishment but this is seldom permanant, for if it were, life would become boring. Thus, I beleive, as per Samuel Levison's adult theory, adult life is full of (graphically speaking) rises adn then plateaus, followed by rises and plateasus. One gains knowledge and wisdom through each of these steps leading to fulfillment at infinity.
Fulfillment is relative ,it comes if one have kind family , good job and nice friends. Man feel happy with life if he truly loves God ,himself and family. The happiness derive joy , satisfaction and fulfillment from whatever man is doing.
People who are highly fulfilled do what they love on a regular basis. They believe that life is meant to be enjoyed, and it is best enjoyed when they’re doing what they enjoy. Whether it’s dancing, painting, cooking, doing yoga, or reading, think about what you love to do and find a way to make time for it.
Love your neighbour like your Self and service to others. This will bring fulfilment.
Warm regards Tina
Fulfillment is relative to (1) the nature of the individual and (2) time, that is, how much time the individual has to complete a self-chosen task and how much time the individual has.
Dennis Mazur
Man should not fulfilled or satisfied, if he is too much satisfied then he will not progress and move ahead. Creative man always remain curious about every thing to know and work.
If we feel deeply happy without any material reason means our life is fulfilled.
A person only can be fulfilled when he of she is not in need anymore. (a lack, a defect, a void,...)
So it is a question of time: before- , while-, after-.
Fulfillment is all (without any remainder) - as a matter of fact without consciences of being fulfilled
(I know, nobody likes this answer)
- can a cat be fulfilled? Every body nods "yes!"
"To contemplate the world in the light of the unmovable mover", Aristotle said, well ok, when it doesn't take more than five minutes of fulfillment, Aristotle will do!
"What makes an individual a half fulfilled person" ought to be a better question - because every fulfillment is in need of a lack, something that is missing and that has to be fulfilled.
Is the degree of fulfillment measurable?
I think so, it changes over time, I myself measure scores that can change five times a day, even more.
There are also "fields of fulfillment" (friends, job, family, health, kids, nature, sports, art, sleep, food, vacation, life).
The score can differ from field to field (this one is for psychologists)
you 'll never will get a fulfilling answer to your question "what makes a fulfilled person"
- except a smile and silence,
or a picture of a sleeping cat.
I've noticed Maslow's Pyramid of Needs referenced but he took examples from very high achievers, the celebrated and accomplished, so not applicable to everyone.
Dear Stanley,
I feel you bring up an important point in mentioning Maslow. Each one of us can at least aspire to the highest humans are capable in this lifetime. Many or not most people do not aspire to change their habits and way of being- this will never bring fulfilment.
Warm regards Tina
Is a point of fulfillment ever reached for any human?
Dennis Mazur
It can become a fun person and gets the love of people through his research on the constant joy and pleasure in life, and may have to do this by following the following steps lend a hand and help others. Regularity in reading comical and comic jokes, and searching for jokes and funny comments. Look for a funny and funny situation in any difficult situation.
Smile and positive thinking: people tend naturally to the company of people Albchocan and gay and who have a laugh and a smile delightful, so you must be careful person in order to become loved and fun that always draws an opening smile that will attract friends and that they'll see that this person is cheerful and positive, and must To think positively and optimistically and look at the bright side of life, and stop complaining and continuing complaining.
Listening to others and allowing them to talk and express their feelings and opinions a reason to attract them and gain their hearts, and mastering the art of listening to others makes the owner of a character attractive , especially that many ignorant of this art and not mastered.
20 ways may can feel fulfilled in relationship:
1-Say, “I respect you because… (you are compassionate, you are logical, you are strong, etc.)”
2-Tell him how capable he really is—men are only as capable as their partner believes they are. Say it with sincerity.
3-Compliment him on a job well done (even if it is only mostly well done). We all need recognition sometimes.
4-Give him some time to himself. We all need our alone time.
5-Allow him to pursue you. This can be as simple as letting him text or call you first.
6-Give him the time to figure out the solution for himself—don’t jump in and do it for him (this ruins #2).
7-Show him some physical affection—men require a physical touch at times, even if it’s just playing with his hair.
8-Allow him to be risky sometimes (yes, even to buy that motorcycle).
9-Encourage him to have great adventures (even the risky ones. See #8).
10-Choose to trust him (and tell him how much you do).
11-Let him lead—all men are born leaders; some just haven’t been told that yet.
12-Give him gifts, but make them practical!
13-Give him grace—he isn’t perfect, and we are all sensitive to mistakes.
14-Learn his weaknesses (this will help with #13).
15-Don’t try to fix him—he isn’t broken. Any real change always has to come from within, and your job is to encourage him on his journey.
16-Give him challenges, both big and small. Men want the chance to exercise their strength, especially for their partner (this will also help with #2, #6, and #10).
17-Acknowledge that men and women are different, and that’s completely fine.
18-Be his teammate. This is especially important for the married couples out there—remember that you are a team, you are partners.
19-Support him—he chose you over his friends, now show him that you will get behind his decisions and that you’ve got his back.
20-Give him a book that will motivate and inspire him. I suggest Wild At Heart by John Eldridge.
Good luck
20 ways may can feel fulfilled in relationship:
1-Say, “I respect you because… (you are compassionate, you are logical, you are strong, etc.)”
2-Tell him how capable he really is—men are only as capable as their partner believes they are. Say it with sincerity.
3-Compliment him on a job well done (even if it is only mostly well done). We all need recognition sometimes.
4-Give him some time to himself. We all need our alone time.
5-Allow him to pursue you. This can be as simple as letting him text or call you first.
6-Give him the time to figure out the solution for himself—don’t jump in and do it for him (this ruins #2).
7-Show him some physical affection—men require a physical touch at times, even if it’s just playing with his hair.
8-Allow him to be risky sometimes (yes, even to buy that motorcycle).
9-Encourage him to have great adventures (even the risky ones. See #8).
10-Choose to trust him (and tell him how much you do).
11-Let him lead—all men are born leaders; some just haven’t been told that yet.
12-Give him gifts, but make them practical!
13-Give him grace—he isn’t perfect, and we are all sensitive to mistakes.
14-Learn his weaknesses (this will help with #13).
15-Don’t try to fix him—he isn’t broken. Any real change always has to come from within, and your job is to encourage him on his journey.
16-Give him challenges, both big and small. Men want the chance to exercise their strength, especially for their partner (this will also help with #2, #6, and #10).
17-Acknowledge that men and women are different, and that’s completely fine.
18-Be his teammate. This is especially important for the married couples out there—remember that you are a team, you are partners.
19-Support him—he chose you over his friends, now show him that you will get behind his decisions and that you’ve got his back.
20-Give him a book that will motivate and inspire him. I suggest Wild At Heart by John Eldridge.
Good luck
These are the basics in a healthy relationship which should be same for the partner. Dr. Khulood Obaid, do you think these ways can make a human being fulfilled? What do you think about this limitation?
Pleasure companionship: Just accompany you to a fun person will find endless fun to walk or sit with him anywhere or accompany him in your walkers, because every situation or every event occurs or every word can be turned to the heart of humiliation and will not stop laughing, and also to a lesser extent, will not limit the Your freedom will not deprive you of pleasure as long as you love it for the sake of maintaining dignity and greed. The fun guy tends to get off and enjoy the people who accompany him, so many women prefer to be accompanied by a cheerful man because only his companionship is fun, fun and endless joy.
Dear Kayode,
In my opinion, Satisfaction both in the internal and external environment. Not hurting others, leaving without ego enough to makes an individual a fulfilled person.
Dr. Kamath Madhusudhana
Do something you think it helps others and wipe out the hatred and envy of your heart.
“When a dream is fulfilled, it is always a glorious feeling.”..Lailah Gifty Akita
One can not achieve complete fulfillment. Otherwise people in the developed world with all the money and luxury at their disposal would feel fulfilled. Man needs to have challenges in life to think about new discoveries and inventions. So fulfillment is a relative term and if one is fulfilled one will never go out of the comfort zone to do something more that makes a difference.
So we attain different levels of fulfillment every day and a certain lack of fulfillment encourages us to go further and further ......
Dear Kayode, I would like to add to my previous question, when a person lives in attachment with detachment ie what karma philosophy says then defiantly an individual a fulfilled person.
Dr. Kamath Madhusudhana
Personal quality is the degree to which the individual expresses positive personality traits, has good human relations and shows outstanding performance at work. The most important feature of personal quality is the self-esteem that makes the greater part of the person's personality and abilities. As John Gilmore says: "The most distinctive feature of a person of high productivity is self-esteem.
A person can never be made fulfilled until he is alive and stable mentally......
A fulfilled person is an individual who after achieving his/her goal has also impacted in the lives of many others.
A man can be said to live a fulfilled life when he was able to discover his purpose in life and pursue it with vigour. Live a purpose driven life. Impact positively into the lives of those he comes in contact with anytime and anywhere.
Dear Olutosin Ademola Otekunrin
You have put it beautifully - thank you Tina
The mind is the Director, the body is the Doer and the emotional system is the Feeler; a positive togetherness and harmony among them result in a fulfilling experience.
good greeting
Only God is perfect
An individual can integrate if he has ethics and other virtues such as patience, generosity, courage and altruism
This question is an open one where the answers may vary from person to person depending upon their choices, their definition of fulfillment, and how they prioritize things in their lives.
I reckon, any person's fulfillment is based on their choices & decisions made in their lives. One always gives a first preference to things which they think are more fruitful to them, thus, can given them entire satisfaction in their life ahead.
To feel content, fulfilled, one tries to push back the odds, and move forward in the direction of progress along with prioritizing things.
Best regards,
to feel fulfilled in my opinion a person must have clear goals, dreams and desires in life, sometimes it is not necessary to have big goals, sometimes it is only necessary to love yourself to be able to feel complete, because when you love yourself You can love others and give to others
In my personal standpoint there are plethora aspect about this question.First of all, the personal character is so imperative. sometimes religious attitude impact your way of life. Any way I think we do not can recommend specific description. All in all, goals, family and society environment have strong contribution to make sense of fulfillment.
Smile and make sure your presence is full of happiness and not tension.
In my opinion, we become fulfill when we free from desire, ego, and starts love every one.
Dr. Kamath Madhusudhana
Also, you may be said to live a fulfilled life when you were able to discover talents and skills in other persons and made sure that such skills and talents are explore with vigour and making success out of it.
It is rather a philosophical question. However, from the practical point of view, I would define a person to live a fulfilled life if person's emotions and person's personality are stable over a long period of time what both (emotions and personality) can be measured numerically in a longitudinal study. For the measuring, numerical models of emotions (e.g. statistical HMM for affective behavior) and personality (e.g. BigFive) can be used.