Some research papers deal with the same topic but using different approaches. What makes a research paper appealing for citation more than the other research papers?
Good question! I think a paper which is easy for search and access may increase the possibility for citation. High quality is the most important. Also, various fields, open access, publishing in top journals, and good author reputation are all important points for high citations.
There are several factors for good citation, some are listed below according to me:
1. First, it depends on the reputation of journal/conference in which article is published.
2. Open access article is cited more as comparison to others.
3. Keywords in the article should be generalized, so it can be access fast as comparison to others. (if people will read your article more, then definitely they will cite)
4. Abstract and conclusion of the article should be strong.
5. Article with quality figures, efficient results and comparison are more preferred.
6. Overall presentation of the article/methodology should be good.
6. It's also depend on the institute reputation (but not much)