In my opinion, the component which contributes, in a high degree, a good teacher to be also an outstanding researcher is their recognizable outstanding research by other researchers.
Teacher who can study the real need of student, always seek for more innovative, efficient teaching methods, update them self with latest updates in the subject and studying the need of change for the education can lead a teacher toward researcher
In my opinion, the component which contributes, in a high degree, a good teacher to be also an outstanding researcher is their recognizable outstanding research by other researchers.
A good teacher is relentless in trying to find better and easier explanations to the students' questions. An outstanding researcher is to ask oneself numerous research related questions, while as a teacher, the one is already highly skilled in finding/ explaining solutions. That's a wining situation, and a key capability of a researcher.
Explaining things to an audience and to the oneself with a precise correctness and in a simple and convincing manner is an art, highly valuable in teaching and research as well!