This is the era of Post Method pedagogy. A single method can never be suitable and sufficient to cater to the hunger for knowledge among learners these days. You can simply start up with a method and pace up with the learning of the learners. If you think it is working fine, you don't need to worry about "a suitable method" whatever you are doing is fine. If not, look for the possible blacked-out area where your reach could help the learners learn something and adapt your method to meet the requirement of the learners. It might help you to discover a new method or methodology, whatever you say. So, don't worry about the method, but go on teaching and adapting yourself to the teaching-learning activities.
LA méthode utilisée en tant que lecteur varie selon les domaines de recherches. En sciences sociales et humaines, on procede plus par les méthodes qualitatives comme le questionnaire d'enquête, le groupe des discussions, l'interview, etc.
My methodologies in teaching depend on the subject matter, and the kind of students I have. Therefore, I have various since I have different class/students. I just make sure that I don't spoon-feed them. Every method I will employ has to be student-centered so they will be autonomous in their learning, and not just passive.
Hai teaching method is versatile for example if the lesson plan are more to practical so we will do the real practice with the third parties collaboration. for theory classes , a lot of lesson practices need to be conducted to educated the student. some time we need to match with this new generation thinking to encourage them to participate in class.
Usually I use discussion groups, jigsaw learning, ekspository learning with concern in problem based learning. Its makes students have a critical thingking, solve the problem, brave to speak, have a solution and other skill. Maybe this is from me. Thks
Student centred teaching methodologies, according to the needs of the students. with the mixture of technology and contemporary methods, making the teaching and learning fun for better and fruitful results.
In teaching, it is advisable to alternate several methods, also due to the focus of the field of interpretation of the problem, the sample of students, teaching activities and, above all, the educational goals. Theoretical explanation using video, PowerPoint presentations are complemented by case studies, comparison of research results, asking questions to support the development of critical and analytical thinking, evaluation of key information. Working with critical thinking methods is an effective strategy.
Learner centred methodology, since a Master class a mature class with experienced people. Using case studies gives learners an opportunity to acquire conceptual and analytical skills that can be applied in any circumstance.
I have applied concept based method for students as a teaching strategy for experimental group and traditional lecture method for control group.concept based activities enables the students to learn general science subject.I Think it is better strategy for learning process of students at elementary level
Diffrent subject needs to employ diffrent methods of learning. For emaple if take account in economics deoartment sunject like human resource managemnt needs to employ practical learning but other hand if take subject for lecture innovation amd inowledge mamnagemnt it needs to experimantal learning manner which include to successful business and businessman biography and we provide motivation our students through life learning experience. So there is no metho
Methods centered around the needs of my learners are used. Consider the strengths and interest of your learners and go from there. In the case of a new class I mix it up , using music, art and traditional "chalk and talk". Based on the results I determine what my next move would be. in the case of large classes they are grouped according to learning styles and taught in accordance with that.