In a coastal wetland with mangroves, lagoons, macrophytes, dunes, sea beaches, rivers overflow planes, etc.., You might consider each of these covers as habitat. Also in those habitats are presented gradients of salinity, oxygen, depth, currents, height of vegetation, sediment type, etc. Is there a classification of microhabitats for wetlands?

On the other hand, what kind of fine classification can I use for separate the birds (more than family, diet, etc ) to reflect the diversity of microhabitats in that wetland? In the wetland there are birds from different families, waders, swimmers, etc., many species recognized for their diet specialization, even within a trophic classification. For example, piscivorous have speciality in the size and the way to capture. Is there a classification that allows for a finer separation into groups like ducks (more than swimmers and divers), herons, waders, gulls? Or within groups as piscivorous, or filter feeding birds? References and publications links will be welcome.

Here, I attached a publication have I reviewed.

Thank you very much.

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