I have been seeing that it is not well defined what kind of compost should we put in biofilter, How do we check if its working or Is there any relevant guidance or technical specification for that? Do we have to add any micorbe culture to that?
We actually dont need geomembranes liners for biocover. Biocover is a medium which has methantrophs that converts methane into carbon di oxide, eliminating the need to flare methane. My question was what are the specification of this medium and is there a need to add a methanotrophic culture?
Biocover could be anything that enhances and retain the methanotrophic culture. Yes, you need to add methanotrophs to mitigate methane emission. The bio-cover must be economically-viable, stable and eco-friendly. Think over and decide.
There are many materials you can use: from plastic fillings (random), structured plastic and other natural fillings such as bark, wood chips, coarse fraction of composted material, etc. Coarse fraction of compost seems to work quite well to retaining and develop of microorganisms although the long term durabiity is limited.
You can perform a search in internet about this topic and you will find a lot of references. Good luck