Until recently, my approach was warm vertical compaction of Gutta-percha with an epoxy resin sealer.
The scientific evidence to support the clinical superiority of any obturation method/technique is scarce. Two of the best designed studies on outcome of endodontic treatment end up with different results. De Chevigny et al, 2008, found better prognosis for warm compacted gutta-percha; Ng et al, 2011, did not find impact of the obturation method on the long-term prognosis.
My routine method of root canal filling is cold lateral compaction of gutta percha and resin sealers. In cases of internal resorption and large canals I convert the method to warm vertical compaction and in dificcult cases and patients with limited mouth opening and teeth with stripping perforation I use single tapered gutta pecha and bioceramic sealers like Endoseal MTA or endosequence BC sealer. Sometimes I use GuttaFlow II and a single tapered gutta percha cone.