Curriculum for Excellence places learners at the heart of education. At its centre are four fundamental capacities. These capacities reflect and recognise the lifelong nature of education and learning. The four capacities are aimed at helping children and young people to become:
It is also culturally and internationally responsive to the diverse backgrounds of students at the institution. The latter is very important for equity in the curriculum. I hope these resources that further illuminate this point are helpful for you:
Article Workforce Education and Development Curriculum Responsivenes...
Article One Style Does Not Fit All: Facilitating Cultural Difference...
Article Integrating Cross-Cultural Elements Into Workforce Education...
Article Workforce Education and Development (WED): Graduate Students...
Curriculum for Excellence is the national curriculum for Scottish schools for learners from the ages 3–18. It was developed out of a 2002 consultation exercise – the 'National Debate on Education' – undertaken by the-then Scottish Executive on the state of school education
The purpose of the Curriculum for Excellence is to help young people to become confident as individuals, successful as learners, responsible citizens and also effective contributors to society as a whole.
The 'Curriculum for Excellence' is just another name for 'World Class Education Curriculum' and 'Outcomes-Based Education,' where there will never be agreement between nations or even among subject matter specialists as to exactly what every learner needs to master in terms of content information and abilities, as well as affective dimensions such as self-confidence, enhanced self concepts, self-esteem, etc. What was discovered back in the 1970s and repeated ever since, is that that Curriculum doesn't matter as much as what students actually master that makes a difference. Look at all the great emphasis on Math learning and Math Curriculums, but we are finding that if students do not master the ability to comprehend and manipulate fractions and convert fractions to decimals in third grade, chances of mastering higher-level math above that is almost nil. So converting curriculums and curriculum-based information and abilities so teachers can actually assist students in learning them is the problem, regardless of the fancy name you give the curriculum. Only one model exists since 1980s that helps curriculum planners, teachers, and test makers convert their curriculum outcomes to what information and abilities students need to master and retain and teachers need to teach for, monitor, and test. Such things as self-esteem are 'by-products' of academic competence.
Yes it can be. What we need is a total 'rethinking' about and 'disbelieving' in most of the ideas, models, definitions, etc related to our current conceptions of 'learning' 'memory,' and 'knowledge.' For instance, every ability a person can be taught is based on the 'constructs' aligned with that abililty. If you have all the must-learn concepts and must be able to 'use' each construct in the way it needs to be used, then you have that ability at least at beginning stage. Most teaching today requires students to 'guess' and 'invent' what constructs they believe they need to create in order to do what the teacher says they are to do rather than on what constructs the students need to learn and use. So we create a great number of unsuccessful students. Outcome based models tend to focus on students completing activities, not the right way to go.