21 October 2012 3 621 Report

I am helping to teach a course on communicating science and through this course, I have come into contact with an absolutely beautiful paper. It is clear, concise, and elegant. I am not at all interested in the subject (it is not the kind of science I do) but the communication is so good that I am still thrilled. I am hoping to find similar quality papers through you all. What is your favorite scientific paper of all time? What is the one you think most clearly got a story across to you? Please do not post your own papers or papers that lack a thorough enough introduction to explain things to a scientist that is not specialized in the field.

The paper I fell for is:

Molecular Computation of Solutions to Combinatorial Problems

Leonard M. Adleman

Science, New Series, Volume 266, Issue 5187 (Nov. 11, 1994), 1021-1024

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