I am searching a literature and previous research on well being of children aged 5-12 in the context of school adaptation. I am interested in definition, methods and and linkages with mental health and pupils' school achievements.
Excellent question. I don't follow this in particular but have a campus colleague who follows it and teaches on it in the college arena. Let me check and see if he has literature.
Here is what he said though he admits that the children portion is not part of his regular work.
https://selfdeterminationtheory.org/SDT/documents/2000_RyanDeci_SDT.pdf(I came across this while working on grant)
https://onbeing.org/programs/robert-coles-the-inner-lives-of-children/ (I read Robert Coles’ The Political Life of Children years ago and was struck by how much the children’s stories resonated with me and his insight especially into the experiences of young people who have faced violent environments.