Dear Research Scholars, Would you please share your opinion on "What is timely Supply chain management issues to be researched as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic?"
This platform might give you insights into timely supply chain management issues to be researched as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic:
Sube Singh, Ramesh Kumar, Rohit Panchal & Manoj Kumar Tiwari (2020) Impact of COVID-19 on logistics systems and disruptions in food supply chain, International Journal of Production Research, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2020.1792000
I belief project delay occasioned by the disruption in the global supply chain due to the effect of the pandemic is a good gap.
The disruption in supply chain activities is inevitable because factories got shut, international travels/flights are suspended and many aspect of the global industrial concerns will need external financial stimulus to come up to speed in coming months or even years.
So this area will prove to be a rich mine for studies in SCM for sometimes.
1- Cost problem and its impact on the supply chain
2 - Inventory management in all its details and its impact on the supply chain
3 - Applying the health quality system to many products and their impact on the supply chain
4- Incentives related to employee work, especially those working in industrial companies, and the effect of the supply chain on them in this aspect@ Shuvro Sen
Inventory control & Warehousing - management of surplus stocks
creation of alternate chains to continue meeting demand pull
transport side issues ( the major stocks available, demand exists but transport resources in lockdown)
most importantly, the formulae for just in time supply, where the stoppage of demand creates an accordion effect up the SC, and unlock will create an sudden surge in demand which production may not match.