I think therefore I exist as opposed to I consume therefore I exist. Work? Why? is the title of the video in French (the link below)

'Brève critique sur la société travailliste actuelle. "Travailler plus pour gagner plus" est un slogan à la mode. Mieux encore, travailler est LA valeur primordiale de la société. On nous l'inculque depuis la naissance comme l'aboutissement de notre existence. Et pourtant, quand prenons nous la peine de vivre ? Faut-il perdre sa vie à la gagner ? Nous n'avons pas vraiment le choix, mais tentons de comprendre en quoi le système nous force à rester dans ce schéma aliénant et voyons les pistes pour nous sauver de cet enfer.'

The rich people, who do not need to work depend on the others. They depend on the poor as a worker and as a consumer. The guy who made this video asks i. a.: 'However, should somebody waste his life in order to gain it'? By the verb 'waste' he means 'work for others', 'consume the product of work of others' and by 'gain' he means the capacity to live, to exist.

Therefore I ask you: Is work (for others) the main purpose of the life? Is the idea of productiveness a value per se or not?

In the second part the video the guy introduced the notion of debt, that makes the equation even more difficult. We work, consume and become indebted and our life is focused on keeping this relation in a fragile balance:

W ork+ D ebt = C onsume Is this what we mean by LIFE? Discuss! What is the difference between being productive and being creative? Why the human being is the only one who consumes the nature, while all the other beings are the nature? Is this perspective a valid one?


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