It would be interesting to know what is the driver that incites people to write books or even articles in academic journals. I don't exclude the possibility of several co-existing reasons, but one of them must be the actual driver, the main ingredient defining the character of the writer and ultimately his/her market profile. I am curious to find out more about it. Why do you write? Is passion a forbidden word for this matter? Is this word just another shell emptied of content?

While ago there was a saying that a man should build a house, plant a tree and father a son before he is allowed to die. Why not adding the duty of writing a book or painting or making a sculpture or other artistic work to the list of 'should do' tasks?

In our more and more systematic societies of today, we can't any more talk about the ghost in the machine. The ghost has become a sort of collective memory, a network of common thoughts to which we gladly adhere. The machines appear to exist as terminals connected to a collective ghost. Is there anything more to discover beyond the collective entity, something pulsing within the machine, something crying for more mindfulness, more uniqueness, for more 'ghost in the machine'?

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