I did culture isolate on TCBS agar and confirm with biochemical test. Then i did PCR techniques using toxR gene to detect. Therefore some reviewers think is is not the right way to identify this species.
Rortana, probably the reviewers want you to sequence representatives of PCR product to confirm? They should have mentioned what should you do more to satisfy the.
I also did sequencing on toxR gene, therefore is seem that, reviwer want another gene that is more acuracy than toxR. I have checked, but there is no more than the toxR can better than toxR.
Sorry for my late response. ToxR is not a species specific gene to V. parahemoliticus. It is a toxin Regulator gene mainly found in V. cholerae and other Vibrios.
I suggest you target the the gene to confirm VP (Garrido-Maesteg et all 2014)... I have also used this primer 2 yeas ago.
However some studies have used a combination of ToxR, Tdh and trh