Recently got a specimen of the plant species belonging to the genus, Biophytum. Exceptionally I observed a long-stout stem. I am looking for the species ID from the experts.
I have also had the same opinion. As per the details of B. sensitivum @ eflora of India google site (, B. sensitivum is not occurring in India. Hence I posted to know some more details about the plant. Could you pl. provide some more details on this?
Yes correctly identified by Dr. Arvind. many forms of this species is found in India especially in peninsular part, all these forms earlier described in some names - Biophytum candolleanum Wight, Biophytum poterioides Edgew. & Hook. f., Biophytum sesbanioides Edgew. & Hook. f., Biophytum sensitivum var. assamicum Edgew. & Hook. f.but all are conspecific.