Waste heat source includes industrial/ institutional/commercial waste heat. How much heat (in kW) that you get as an average throughout the day. What is quantity of water input that you feed for desalinatio
It all depends on the desalination technology that is of interest to you. For example, if desalination is done by successive evaporation, then the waste steam used in the multiple effect evaporators would be the source of waste heat.
I guess that the waste heat evaporators you mean are exactly the same as commonly used on board the ocean going vessels. In this type of evaporators. engine cooling water is used as a source of heat having temperaturę of 80-95 deg C. Sea water is evaporated under v ery low pressure in temperaturę of 40-45 deg C. There is a large range of distillers used with daily production of 5 to 100 tons of fresh water. Consequently the recovered heat flow is in range from 50 to thousends kW. Type in marine distiller in your browser for details.