People are different in determining true happiness according to their interests and needs. Some believe that the real happiness lies in owning large sums of money, including those who imagine them in a luxury house and a luxury car, some of whom see them in prestigious positions or enjoy a beautiful beauty or achieve the instincts of the body and the desires of the soul , Or in the large number of children.
Happiness is not just a beautiful feeling. Science proves to be deeper than that. Feeling happy helps you live a longer life and a better health. While existential anxiety remains the essence of human existence, we are swept away in most of our moments of life. We may not get out of it without deciphering his blades, our knowledge of happiness by simplifying its vocabulary and meaning it will inevitably lead us to know the importance of human existence.
The Success, Satisfaction, and Conviction. the point of these is they are, not quite, the secrets of happiness, but they are things that I think happiness will flow out the side from.
Happiness is to expect nothing from life and accept all strange behaviour from the people around you. When you do not expect anything, every little thing is a blessing and if you accept that only the people atound you can cause you harm, you may live with it better.
Existential anxiety is a condition of people with powerful mind. Like hapiness existential anxiety is a state of the soul. It does not have to be opposite to hapiness, or something "bad" related to suffering. Like "Sisyphus" or the "Rebel", the anxious searches throughout the world in quest of the true, the justice or the beautiful, and constantly he is disappointed. Despair seems inminent. Crucially, existential anxiety has to be used as a potential source of creation.
See Albert Camus -"Le mythe de Sisyphe" ("The Myth of Sisyphus") and " "L'homme revolté" "The Rebel". See also Nietzsche.