نحن نؤمن بأن الدين الاسلامي هو دستور لكل تفاصيل الحياة ولم يغادر شيء إلا وذكره.اما موضوع الاجهاض فقد حذر الشرع من عواقب الاقدام عليه في موارد هي قاتلة للجيل البشري وهذا بمثابة عدم الرضا برزق الله وخلقه للجنين. وفي بعض الموارد الاستثنائية يجوز هذا اذا كا ن فيه خطرا على حياة الام عند الولادة .او كان الجنين مشوها الى درجة ان وفاته افضل من بقاءه حيا معذب بادارةحياته.والله تعالى اعلم
Catholic religion does not give permission to abortion because it implies two condemnations: the death of the child and excommunion of abortist. To kill is not allowed, it is a grave sin.
Buddhism rejects abortion because it involves the deliberate destroying of a life.
Church of England and The Catholic churches - abortion is 'gravely contrary to the moral law. However, the Church of England also believes that abortion is sometimes morally acceptable such as when a baby is suffering from a serious disability
Hinduism - generally opposed to abortion except where it is necessary to save the mother's life.
The Russian Orthodox Church condemned abortion in its The Church and the Nation published in 2000.
Protestant Christianity - many Protestant and Evangelical Christians are against abortion. However, some denominations are more pro-abortion.
Muslims regard abortion as wrong and forbidden, but many accept that it may be permitted in certain cases and most of them this interuption must be before 120 days of pregnancy.
Judaism does not forbid abortion, but it does not permit abortion on demand. Abortion is only permitted for serious reasons.
Sikhism generally forbids abortion, but some siks commit abortion in India.
Having watched open debates of this issue in the USA, many Christians and Muslim scholars and theologians were opposed to abortion. The few exceptions sometimes discussed related to the health of the mother and rape.
I do not know about the position of religion and ethics of abortion as it is not an expert.
The majority of religious believers in Japan are Buddhism and Shintoism. Abortion is against in traditional Buddhism because it touches the non-killing command which is the most important command of Buddhist commandment.
According to the statistics of the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the number of abortion has decreased in recent years.