Bio gas Technology is an alternative technology in the world. Some people are using this technology in Bangladesh. I want to know from you the scenario of Bio gas Technology in Bangladesh.
Biogas is a kind of gas obtained by anaerobic fermentation of animal and agricultural, wastes or other words any thing which decomposes on standing. There are two models one is the floating cover design and the other is the fixed top design are used in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) first setup a biogas plant in the University campus in 1972 to study the gas production characteristics and later set up a family size plant. Department of Environment (DOE) started the programme in 1981 under a government grant. Under the “Fuel Saving Project of BCSIR”, the gas holder was supplied free of cost on condition that the owner would bear the cost of the digester and other accessories which usually involved approximately half the total cost. The IFRD of BCSIR in collaboration with Dhaka City Corporation built an experimental biogas plant of 85 M3 digester volumes in 1992 for treatment of city garbage. So far, about 1000 biogas plants have been installed in the country.
Since the current status of the technology, 4-5 cattle heads are needed for a family size plant, therefore only the well-to-do families of rural areas can be brought under biogas programme.