Many disciplines have academic societies: The Royal Society, The Linguistic Society of America, Academy of Sciences of South Africa etc. Traditionally, these societies would publish a journal and perhaps host an annual conference.  But my impression is that memberships have been dwindling.  But I'm interested in knowing from others who are members of academic societies: what roles do such societies play in an academic world that is fundamentally different and more globalized than it used to be?  Are such societies relevant and effective? How do they need to change? And very importantly, how can they obtain the funds to be self sustaining (are membership fees the only option?)?

Perhaps there are people who choose not to be members of these types of societies who can also shed light on their reasons for not being members?

PS: I'm not interested in "Professional Societies"  per se, but if there is something that Academic Societies can learn from Professional ones, then let's have it.

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