In conducting a security management related research, there is a blurry distinction with criminology or conflict management research. The theoretical framework one can choose from are in fact the same. While defending my proposal recently, i was advised to move away from conflict to security management in terms of not only the tone but the theories. i did revisit my notes and could get much deviation.
It gets even more tricky when a researcher wants to fold in an environmental/economic approach to security management research. Mostly the theoretical framework will shift from the traditional crime theories to environmental/economic theories. This might cause trouble with examiners who might view it as lacking in terms of security management orientation.
It is my take that despite the approach and the theories thereof, security management is inherent in a wide range of disciplines and thus one should not be bogged down in tunnel-vision of crime theories. So long as the relationship can be brought out clearly through other theories relevant to the setting(economic/environmental) then it should be understandable.
Sage advice needed here.