If you have the kindness (and patience) to read this poor contribution of mine here on "RG", perhaps you can have a reasonably adequate and "up to date" answer to your interesting question about the painful phenomenon known as "Phantom Limb Pain": "THE ROLE OF PSYCHOLOGY AND NURSING IN PATIENTS WITH PHANTOM MEMBER PAIN", thank you
As a simple "sample", here is the summary of the Article: "Phantom Limb Pain (DMF) is a reality with which today up to 85% of people who suffer the amputation of a limb of their body live. This phenomenon has been known since the 15th century, but the truth is that today the causes for which it originates are still unknown and, although there are theories that try to explain the origin of this pain, none are definitive yet, so It is still unknown, nor has it been possible to identify the “treatment of choice” for this painful phenomenon.For all this, it is to be expected and obvious the difficulty that the management of this type of clinical pain entails for Health Professionals (HCP). Within the framework described, the objectives of this article are aimed at understanding this syndrome in order to, thus, review the different therapeutic approaches that exist and identify the role of Health CC Professionals, especially those of and Psychology and Nursing, in the management of these patients ".