The Diffusion Equation in 2d rectangular coordinates is:
dc/dt = D(d^2c/dx^2 + d^2c/dy^2), where c is the concentration, and D is the Diffusion Constant.
A fundamental solution of this 2d Diffusion Equation in rectangular coordinates is DiracDelta[x - xo]DiracDelta[y - yo], which can be further expanded as an explicit function of space and time as
1/(4piDt) e^(( - (x - xo)^2 - (y - yo)^2))/4Dt).
The Diffusion Equation in 2d Polar Coordinates is
dc/dt = D(d^2c/dr^2 + (1/r)dc/dr + (1/r^2)d^2c/dtheta^2).
What is the fundamental solution to this 2d Polar Diffusion Equation written in terms of Delta Functions, and also as an explicit function of the 2d polar coordinates r and theta?
Your assistance with this question is greatly appreciated.