Walid Dagher I think this is an important question. Most studies in the literature focused on the perception of specific groups — for example, the perception of students, or perception of teachers, or perception of both. I am not aware of research covering different groups, including the public, and focusing on the impact of the level of education on perception. I think this area is worth studying.
Walid Dagher Social media, as well, can be a way to assess professional behaviour and ethics. Some studies looked at the behaviour of doctors and other professionals on using social media (for example, publishing photos with patients on social media, their Facebook account, without taking patient's permission). Therefore, the behaviour of educated and non-educated individuals on handling social media or news raised on social media can be excellent research, provided that ethical issues of the project have been cleared.
Kindly chk the relevance of following article in relation to raised concern...
Bermudez, C. M., Prasad, P. C., Alsadoon, A., & Hourany, L. (2016, April). Students perception on the use of social media to learn English within secondary education in developing countries. In 2016 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) (pp. 968-973). IEEE.
There is social media perception on virtually all aspects of human life. Perception on politics, academics, religion, virtues, vices, beauty and even education itself. Yes! there is some form of relationship between education, in terms of level of the vertical education and its quality, and social media perception on diverse issues.