Hello !

I have a question about PERMANOVA and PERMDISP. I have four types of vegetation (A, B, C, D) and two sets of environmental variables (Soil, with n variables and Climate, with m variables). So, I´m trying to: 1) detect if those sets of variables are significant to explain the vegetations occurrence, 2) know which factor have more power to explain and, 3) If adding soil variables provide higher R² to my model, or not.

After running the PERMANOVA, I will proceed to PERMDISP to check the dispersion of the groups.

More specifically, my doubt is about setting the formula of adonis and interpreting the results. What is the difference between:

adonis2(soil ~ vegetation) # R² = 0.13; F = 8.23

adonis2(climate ~ vegetation) # R² = 0.17; F = 11.01

adonis2(soil + climate ~ vegetation) # R² = 0.16 ; F = 10.28

adonis2(soil * climate ~ vegetation) # R² = 0.25; F = 17.03

(p > 0.001 for all of them)

What each type of formula is testing (mainly, the last two) ?

What are the inferences I can make from each test results?

Thank you !

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