I’m an ecologist using machine learning algorithms (using the gradient boosting approach for the first time 😊) to gain insight into land use patterns. My question is related to a machine learning challenge in my research, specifically in its use for predicting a (continuous) outcome.

Can you explain why a predictor might have a relative influence but no marginal effect? So, for example see image, ‘Distance from a town’ was a fairly important predictor of land use in an area (say 15% relative influence) but, in further analysis (using the GBM and partial dependence plots) we found no visible relationship between the two. On the graph, the x axis is distance from the town in km and on the y is the marginal effect on the extent of a particular land cover type in an area.

What does it mean when a feature has an influence but no marginal effect on an outcome? Is it that, by itself this feature does not explain land use, or perhaps that this feature may have an indirect influence?

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