respected researchers,
How to convert the Bohr magneton per formula unit in to Bohr magnetron per Fe3+ ion.
for example if you take BiFeO3, From theortical calculation, if we take spin only magnetic moment for Fe3+ ions(S=5/2), the magnetic moment is calculated using the relation 2*sqrt(S*(S+1)) and the value is found to be 5.91 μB /Fe3+
Experimentally, if the molecular mass (M)of the sample is 312.8236 g/mol and the maximum magnetization(Ms) is found to be 0.088 emu/g, then the magnetization in terms of Bohr magneton per formula unit is calculated using the relation μB / f.u. = M * Ms/5585. and the value is found to be 0.0049 μB / f.u.
But how to convert this value in terms of μB /Fe3+ ions
Thanks in advance