Can any one help me to find the right definition of the framework and model ?
Im working in a study investigating the use of ICT in Arabs schools and I would like to create a model or (Framework) that help to improve the use of ICT in education.
before I start I would like to know whats is the difference between Model and framework and what you think is much suitable from your opinion
Are you referring to identity control theory? If so, the difference between a frame and a model (theory) is clearly apparent between ICT and its parents, identity theory (Stryker and Burke) and Structural Symbolic Interactionism (Stryker). All of these are derived from Symbolic interactionism (Blumer) and from Mead. So a frame is a system of thinking about something. In that regard, symbolic interactionism and structural symbolic interactionism are considered frames, not theories. They are perspectives, but not quantifiably testable. Therefore Stryker and Burke developed identity theory (IT), a sociological approach to behavior, not to be confused with social identity theory which is psychological in nature. Identity theory is quantifiable and therefore testable. Identity control theory is a spinoff of identity theory and is also testable. The latter theories are best understood with a grounding in the antecedents. That is to say, Mead, Blumer, Stryker, Burke, and so forth. The interesting twist is that a frame can provide useful perspectives for qualitative research which does not have the requirement of an interaction between the DV and the IV. Hope this helps. . .
You might want to explore logic models as a way of learning more about how people use models to help them understand their thinking about how things related to one another and what assumptions, and predictions one is really to make. As others say, a framework is the theoretical understanding that helps you create models.
Here is a link with some information about how to use a logic model to think through your theory of action --
Saleh A model is a concept of something aka Car or a House; a Framework is used to show or guide you on how to make it, or what components you might need! Please e-mail [email protected] and will send you ideas and supportive materials.
Al igual que la compañera Bonnie, considero que un marco es la filosofía con base en la cual abordas y análisis un objeto de estudio. En el entendido que dependiendo de la perspectiva teórica será tu punto de vista acerca del tema, un constructivista tiene diferente idea del aprendizaje que un seguidor de la teoría del procesamiento de la información. Por otro lado, los modelos pueden entenderse como guías generadoras de “entornos educativos que amplían considerablemente las posibilidades de los alumnos para la transmisión de conocimientos y desarrollo de destrezas, habilidades y actitudes" (Méndez, 2012, p. 201). Es decir, un modelo te prescribe un proceso a seguir para el logro de algo, cuando el modelo es educativo, es para el logro del aprendizaje.
En mi doctorado hemos realizado un libro digital que saldra en forma gratuita en amazon el próximo mes. Se trata de una recopilación de los principales modelos tecnoeducativos, sus fundamentos y aplicaciones. Puedes estar en contacto conmigo pues te convendría revisarlo para que veas algunos de los modelos que hasta ahora se han hecho.
Saludos y hasta pronto.
Méndez, D. (2012). Cambio motivacional realizado por las TIC en los alumnos de secundaria de física. Miscelánea Comillas, 70(136), 199-224.
In educational research, like in all other knowledge fields, concepts are used to structure and manage information gathering and processing. However, lack of consensus about basic terminology often brings about conceptual confusion. I pointed to the vagueness of conceptual frameworks in the following chapter:
Lowyck, J. (2014). Bridging Learning Theories and Technology-enhanced Environments: A Critical Appraisal of its History. In J.M. Spector, M.D. Merrill, J. Elen & M.J. Bishop (Eds.). Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 3-20). New York, Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London: Springer.
Another reference that aims at disentangling different concepts like frameworks, theories and models can be found in the following paper.
Depending on the aim of your research, you can use a framework either as a rather general approach to the topic (e.g. sociological, technological, organisational, educational, innovation framework or some combination from an interdisciplinary perpsective) or as a more focused model in which you already describes the parameters of the phenomenon and their relationships. Anyway, research may gain strength through focusing.
An interesting way of controled innovation are the so-called design experiments. that were introduced by Cobb & colleagues in 2003. See: Educational Researcher, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 9–13.
my teacher tell to me to read
Andreson, G., & Arsenault, N. (1998). Fundamentals of Educational Research (2nd ed.). Pennysylvania: The Flamer Press.
Creswell, J. W. (2012). Education research: planing. conducting, and evaluation quantitative and qualitative research. Boston: Pearson.
i hope it can help you
I agree with John and Bonnie.
A framework is descriptive showing relevant concepts and how they relate to each other. A model tends to be more prescriptive, specific and with a narrow scope.
You are not alone in your confusion. Often people speak of models when they mean frameworks and vice versa.
Edella Schlager has an excellent essay in Paul Sabatier's _Theories of the Policy Process_ (2nd Edition) that covers the differences among metaphors, frameworks, theories and models in quite a bit of detail. I recommend referring to that as a resource. In general, a framework describes the relevant variables for study of a particular topic and proposes a collection of hypotheses. A model is developed from a framework and is more like a stencil for testing empirical results.
In my field, for instance - network analysis is a framework that argues that actor-relationship structures influence changes to public policy. There exists a wide number of random graph models that I can use to compare against empirical results as a way of testing a hypothesis.
Un cordial saludo, estimado Saleh.
Complemento las ideas que te han expuesto quienes te han respondido. Un marco es una aproximación conceptual y estructurada que permite aproximarse a la realidad objeto de estudio, pensar las relaciones entre sus partes, hacer las preguntas adecuadas y sistematizar su investigación. El marco es, así, una estructura que guía la investigación, por lo que es previa a ésta. En cambio, un modelo es una estructura conceptual y relacional derivada de la investigación, que permite explicar cómo se comportan y relacionan las variables o factores que conforman una realidad de acuerdo con unas condiciones particulares.
Regards, estimated Saleh.
Complement the ideas that have exposed you who have answered you. A conceptual framework is a structured approach that allows approaching reality under study, thinking the relationship between its parts, ask the right questions and organize your research. The framework is thus a structure that guides research, which is prior to it. Instead, a model is a conceptual and relational structure derived from research, that explains how the variables or factors that make a reality under particular conditions behave and relate. A model is thus a product of research.
Dear Saleh,
I have a wealth of research papers which may assist you to answer this question. See my profile and download if you want a paper, specifically those published in Computers in Human Behavior and New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia.
With kind regards
Dear Saleh,
Framework is the guide for approaches, where you get for example a skeleton for the body. Model is the dummy or representation developed on the framework. So having a skeleton one can construct the body as a model which is representing the human body. Then the human body is the real final model.
Carmen Camilleri
A model can be descriptive or theoretical. A descriptive model describes an object for example a model of an aircraft, but does not attempt to explain (but a explanatory model should). A computer can be used to model or act as a model for brain function - hence helping to explain how and why it works without going as far as saying the brain is a computer . A model by definition cannot be perfect - it is an analogy/metaphor only - otherwise you will be unable to tell the differences between the real thing and the model.. Theories alone can only generate predictions (and so be tested), models can provide insights and directions according to their 'goodness-of-fit' and help to build theories. As many of the other commentators state there are many different types of frameworks including investigative and conceptual ones. A conceptual framework provides a way thinking, organising or approaching an area - a guide if you like. Its is not as powerful as a model in terms of explaining, nor does it have to be subjected to the same rigours of conformity that a theory or model would require (e.g. testable, internal consistency etc).. Start with frameworks and work you way to theories via models!
Lo que se llama Framework (F) es un conjunto de conceptos bajo ciertos preceptos o perspectivas metodológicas; se parece al paradigma, pero a nivel de una disciplina o varias disciplinas afines, por ejemplo, el constructivismo o fenomenología. A partir del mismo Framework se puede crear modelos (M) que están orientados directamente hacia la solución de problemas concretos. La diferencia entre F y M es la misma que hay entre la estrategia y la táctica.
I think I agree with most: a framework is descriptive, halfway between the theory and a model, and a model is prescriptive, a sort of lower-level guidelines for praxis or research.
But the fact is that many models are referred -even by their authors- as frameworks, so I guess there's hardly a consistent use of the term in academia (think for example of Salmon's e-moderating model vs Lauriallard's conversational framework, which are at the same level). I've ended up clarifying what I'm referring to with each, every time I address the issue.
I agree with David, The concepts of framework and Model sometimes overlap, I would suggest to take into account the most suitable concept for your research and go with one of the terms because if not you´ll find a lot more confusing ideas. It is good to add that all the answers here are in a way correct and also reinforce what i am trying to explain.
A pedagogical model is based on psychological models of the learning process, in sociological, communicative, ecological or epistemological models; hence the need to analyze this relationship to properly guide the search and renewal of pedagogical models. The term "educational model" in literature has not been handled very clearly; appears equaled to strategy, development style, field of study even curriculum. [1]
The multitude of ways of understanding the teaching-learning process, content, organization, techniques, materials, evaluation and the relationship between different actors emerge from the different conceptions of learning and conception of human being and society that want to form through academic centers. [2]
... When ICT is used to support teaching and learning activities, is referred the concept of Technology-Enhanced Learning, TEL (Dillenbourg, P., 2008). Although, to guide ICT4E practices; Teachers, Institutions and Organizations like UNESCO or Nations such as Africa, Australia, United States and the Netherlands, have designed Frameworks to set a benchmark of the needed skills for its effective implementation, use and appropriation at educational environments. ( (Battigelli, S. et al, 2010), (Fernández-Díaz, E., & Calvo Salvador, A., 2012), (Gravie, R. F. F., 2012), (Peeraer, J., & Van Petegem, P., 2012), (Prendes Espinosa, M. et al, 2010), (Solar, M. et al, 2013)).
[1] Ortiz Ocaña, Alexander Luis, Pedagogical Models. Towards a school of integral development,
Hope this help fot you.
Dear Saleh,
I think that a framework is a more global concept, as guideline. The framework is used or could be used to develop a model. In my opinion for your work you need to develop a framework for the use of ICT in education.
Katya Peeva
Thanks all for yours answer and sharing information
Its really helpful
Perhaps another way to look at it is like two double helixes that continually rotate and interact with one another. Example: we can use the natural frameworks of; 4 elements, 5 elements, or 7 elements and each framework would interact inside one overall educational model. Or, we can have one natural formwork that would become a guideline for many education models. Everything eventually will intertwine and fertilize everything else - if it’s not guided by personal or ego base agenda approach.
i think your choice of framework or model depends upon what purpose it should serve or what work you expect it to do. You say you want to "help to improve the use of ICT in education." you could look at existing models used in the field or devise a framework for action, or perhaps evaluation .
Simply put, I think a model is a borrowed example that can be replicated while a framework is a stage by stage application of the model (example) as and when suitable in a given context. The two instruments can then be present in a research work depending on the objective and expected outcome.
A framework would be a structure which will guide what you are going to do, what concepts you will deal with. However, a model may seem to be similar yet it contains variables which have been tested and are supported by theories.
Dear Salah, i Believe that Framework is a detailed steps to complete a task, objective or a work based on having some rules, constraints and deliverable. A model on the other hand is a graphical representation for idea or concept. A model can also be a physical representation of something you need to understand, but since you mentioned ICT then a model would stand for a graphical representation of (Something)
The framework gives the descriptive steps used to build the model, the model is a pieces of materials put together based on the description given by the framework. In educational research, you use the information gained from the review of related literature to establish the framework and it will guide you in building the model needed in providing solution to the researched problem.
Although the terms are usually used interchangeably a framework is a plan to guide the research (paradigm/ lens) see Craig et al. 1994 Conceptual Dictionary, which one uses depending on the theories in use. A model should denote a representation with constructs which have been tested / proven (theorized to hold true).
I think i might consider using a Framework if it was meant to structure the use of ICT in learning or teaching. A model is a more a representation of phenomenon, a term to use if you are referring to an earlier model used in some other education system or if you are trying to describe a construct.
If you want people to think about IT in a particular way, say as a tool such as a pencil, a notepad then you could use the word model but if you think of IT use as fitting in a system of timetabling or resources etc then try Framework.
Dont worry, whatever word you thinks fits, use it then explain the meaning you have given it in your glossary or within the text.
Here's a link to an article that describes how to develop a framework from a model:
Hope this helps!
Best regards,
Article Developing Frameworks from Extended Feature Models
In this discussion, the relationship between framework and model is represented in one or another way (Bonnie Sue Taylor: model developed within a framework versus where the framework is the main source Debra Sharon: develop a framework from a model where the model is the main source). What I am missing now is the relationship between (scientific) 'theory' and ' model.'.
I agree with the meaning provided by Robert Costello. We have a concept to describe something and we have a guideline to design/make something.
I agree with the meaning provided by Robert Costello. We have a concept to describe something (Model) and we have a guideline to design/make something (Framework)
I agree with the meaning provided by Robert Costello. We have a concept to describe something (Model) and we have a guideline to design/make something (Framework)
Dear All,
A related question.
The model needs to be tested and verified before its use or proposal, however, the framework can be an outcome of the literature review and conceptualization?
Is this understanding correct?
Dear Saleh,
I just noticed that you are interested in using ICT in the school in the Arab counties. i wrote around 20 papers about this area, please have a look at my profile, you may find them useful in your research
Best wishes
What is the difference between a framework and a model in Educational research?
Thank you all for your wonderful responses. Really appreciate your help.
well said discussion..your discussion is deeply appreciated. Thank You
This discussion has been very helpful in clarifying a question I was struggling with - ie: will I be creating a framework or a model with the research project I am about to embark on? Conclusion: I'm using a current framework within which to test my theories and from which my model will evolve.
How then, does a "taxonomy" fit in to this picture? Additional thoughts to help my thinking process are much appreciated.
More thoughts on the meanings of the words. A framework would, as the word suggests and as Han Ping Fung notes, is both the big picture of the project and delimits the boundaries. I would add it provides a frame you work within whereas a model may be one that you use that already exists or the one you develop or define.
A framework reveals the direction and organization of perspective a research work is focus on. It reveals the theoretical guidance and import that a research work will be expose to or can explain the phenomenon under investigation.
A model is use to describe or explain relationship, process/phases and life cycle of variable.
Conceptual framework provides a general orientation towards data collection and analysis. In quantitative studies, a framework suggests what variables should be taken into account, and what possible relationships between the variables. In qualitative studies, a framework serve as a beacon, guiding data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
El "modelo o paradigma" expresa gráficamente y de forma teórica también, el procedimiento o pasos a seguir en la investigación, seleccionando el más adecuado según el "marco" teórico de referencia. El marco puede ser lo que fundamenta y justifica de forma teórica el modelo de investigación. Dicha justificación puede ser teórica o de disposiciones legales.
The " model or paradigm " it expresses graphically and of theoretical form also, the procedure or steps to continuing in the investigation, selecting most adapted according to the theoretical "frame" of reference. The frame can be what the model of investigation bases and justifies of theoretical form. The above mentioned justification can be theoretical or of legal dispositions.
When a research is conducted or being planned the approach is basically defined by two key concepts. Those are the framework and the model. The framework gives the overall structure of the project while the model explores the specific methodology of the research.
The concept of "frame" in educational research, concerns more theoretical elements environment practical that are part of the object of study, which are inter-related and that are needed and to achieve the expected goals. The "model" apply a scheme, paradigm, or concrete protocol indicating the steps to be followed to achieve the desired end
El concepto de "marco" en investigación educativa, refiere más el entorno de elementos teórico prácticos que forman parte del objeto de estudio, que están interrelacionados y que son necesarios unos y otros para lograr los fines esperados. El "modelo" aplica un esquema, paradigma o protocolo concreto que indica los pasos a seguir para lograr el fin deseado.
En la investigación educativa, el marco de referencia se define como los fundamentos legales y científicos que sirven de base a las propuestas realizadas (estrategias educativas, didácticas) para solucionar el problema diagnosticado. En relación con el modelo, es una construcción teórica que contribuye a explicar las etapas o partes de un objeto o proceso determinado, en este caso educativo, con el objetivo de mejorar el proceso, argumentar una hipótesis determinada o predecir un resultado científico.
A framework is a way of representing the empirical relations between every aspect of inquiry when considered a scientific theory or research. It describes the general direction and the constraints of the theory or research.A conceptual framework is used in research to give an overall picture of the possible courses of action or to bring a preferred approach to a thought or idea. Conceptual framework focuses on presenting the connectivity amongst all aspects of research.A model is something used to represent or explain the operation and mechanism of something else. A conceptual model exists in one`s mind.
The framework can group one or more models, whether education, systems or subsystems. You can also group literary references with sources and bibliographies of interest. The models are more specific, as protocols to follow according to the circumstance in which it is applied.
El marco puede agrupar uno o varios modelos, ya sean de educación, sistemas o subsistemas. También puede agrupar referencias literarias con fuentes y bibliografías de interés. Los modelos son más específicos, a modo de protocolos a seguir según la circunstancia en la que se aplique.
My recent research had me in this space for some time. You can start with a conceptual framework that brings together information / concepts / theories / that allows you to focus on / gain perspective / guide your activity. You can contextualise that framework. In the framework you may consider education theories / education models - that all direct you more clearly to your activity. An education model is usually a tool / an application designed around an education theory (or more). Looking at your key words I would seek out those education theories that resonate with ICT. Also consider the underpinning educational philosophy. Are you considering a constructivist approach or another? That choice helps guide your framework and your operational model.
Saleh, you may find of interest the National Australian Digital Technologies Curriculum for schools:
The University of Adelaide, with support from Google, are providing free on-line courses for teachers in how to tech the digital curriculum:
Tom W.
Tom, good links.
Saleh, google Conceptual Frameworks in ICT
There are some interesting links.
There are more ....
First you have to clear about your work, a theoretical model is based on some valid theory, conceptual model based on some concept that have to further validate or verify, on the basis of your model you can further define a framework that comprises the components of that model. even you can combine more than one model in a framework. in general I always recommend, first develop a model(s) that must have all basic components than go ahead and develop a more complex and bit detailed framework on the basis or support of the proposed model. The model is an entity that you have to follow but a framework is a way that leads you, not only to follow, but guide you the path where you have to go and from which ways, a more detail and comprehend ways...
for further guidelines you may contact me at [email protected]
What is important to understand about models is that each has their own assumptions, which, like in economics, rarely hold true. These models are used to explain underlying factors that influence STHr; however, there are multiple external factors that may also be in operation at any given time, with only some models taking these into consideration.
The models also tend to be linear and focus on change as a cause and effect event.
Frameworks are the practical implementation of theories and models.
There have been interesting meanings here between the terms of model and framework in the research. From my point of view valid and sufficient. Thank you
Se han dado aquí interesantes significados entre los términos de modelo y marco en la investigación. Desde mi punto de vista válidos y suficientes.
Actually the "Framework" comes from Philosophy and in other words: "why the subject is". So the framework leads any study in a right way to achieve a proper model.
If you know Delphi or ELECTRE in Decision Making methods you'll find that any model comes from a "Consensus" or "Final Synthesized" opinion which are achieved from the Experts comments and this is corresponding to the philosophy.
As you see the "Framework" describes relevant subject in a research while the "Model" explains relevant subject in a research.
As far the framework and the model are back to back each other, so it is needed that the "Verified Model" and the Operation will be back to back of each other.
For more information please have a look at the attached articles which are very helpful for your purpose indeed.
Article Explanation of the " Strategic Marketing Management " model ...
Article Explanation of the“Strategic Assessment Model” and verificat...
This was also useful.
A theoretical framework describes and guides your perspective. You can create a model related to your framework upon which you will develop your research - questions and methodologies - which you will then verify through your research. What methodology or methodologies you use need to be matched to the type of model you are using. You want to determine if your framework and model support your research results.
Theoretical framework is written in the case of the new peer to research theoretical aspects are written in the case of a subject is not new any previously been put forward
Framework gives your broad outline of the major components of the whole organisation or structure. A Model is how you operationalise into working structure or organisation.
Il could be helpful :
El "modelo o paradigma" expresa gráficamente y de forma teórica también, el procedimiento o pasos a seguir en la investigación, seleccionando el más adecuado según el marco teórico de referencia. El marco puede ser lo que fundamenta y justifica de forma teórica el modelo de investigación. Dicha justificación puede ser teórica o de disposiciones legales.
The framework can group one or more models, whether education, systems or subsystems. You can also group literary references with sources and bibliographies of interest. The models are more specific, as protocols to follow according to the circumstance in which it is applied.
Framework gives the overallstructure of research, it gives the overall picture if the possible causes of acyions. It also shows the interconnectedness and interrelatedness of the variables used in research. Model explores specific methodology of research.
Please read this
A theory is more abstract than a model and it precedes the model in the way that a model depends on a theory . A model makes use of a theory in its application ,though they overlap.
from a theory or framework , a lot of models can be constructed. a theory is more theoretical than a model applicable to specific contexts. theories are based on constructs but models are different ways of operalization of those constructs
El "modelo o paradigma" expresa gráficamente y de forma teórica también, el procedimiento o pasos a seguir en la investigación, seleccionando el más adecuado según el marco teórico de referencia. El marco puede ser lo que fundamenta y justifica de forma teórica el modelo de investigación. Dicha justificación puede ser teórica o de disposiciones legales.
The framework can group one or more models, whether education, systems or subsystems. You can also group literary references with sources and bibliographies of interest. The models are more specific, as protocols to follow according to the circumstance in which it is applied.
I would say that framework is a boundary to which implications of your research will have an effect. For example, your research on use of ICT will measure its impact on students achievements in a given subject, but will have nothing to do with the impact of ICT on their life outside school, hence your research is set in school-settings framework.
On the other hand, model is a set of tools you will use to get data from the population and interpret them.
A framework is an entity between a ‘model’ and a ‘method’. A framework is, or contains, a (not completely detailed) structure or system for the realization of a defined result. Many frameworks comprise one or more models, based on the modeling techniques. Compared with methods, frameworks give the users much more freedom regarding the (partial or entire) use of the framework and the use of the models or techniques therein.
Although, the terms model and framework are often used as synonyms, but there is a considerable difference between the two. A model is used to explain or represent a mechanism and operation of some process or thing.
On the other hand, a framework is used to represent an empirical relationship between all the aspects of an inquiry in the scientific theory or any other research. It also explains the limitations of the theory and other genera aspects which direct the framework.
A model can be defined as something which is being used to represent any other thing or phenomenon. It is a replacement of the original product. There are two main types of models which include physical and conceptual model. The physical model can be seen and touched but the conceptual model is the existence of something just in the mind of a person.
Furthermore, it can also be deemed as a theoretical construct which identify and explains the relationship between different logical and quantitative elements in a set of variables. It has great significance in the explanation of scientific processes and phenomena. It can assume a situation which is given in any framework by making new hypothesis or changing or removing the existing one in order to test the underlying theory. Quantum theory is considered as one of the best examples of a conceptual model which can very well tested by using different techniques.
It is used in conducting different kinds of researches. It represents the complete picture of all the variables which are taken to create an understanding about a certain topics. Some variable are independent and some are dependent. Every variable has different elements which are associated with each in particular way. In order to find out the direction of the relationship so as to test the hypothesis, you will have to make a complete framework.
A good conceptual framework explains the concepts, ideas and all the other perspectives of the research which is being conducted in a profound manner. Besides, it makes it easy for the reader to learn about the process, relationship of variables, direction the relationship and its intensity.
A model is a goal, a framework is one of many possible ways ( of descriptive nature) how to achieve that goal.
People often disagree about the definition of each. For me, a framework is a basic structure that can be used to decide where specific learning methodologies, theories, activities, tasks or whatever can be placed - and moved around when necessary - so that the teacher can build up a clear visual representation of what is (or could be) included in the overall plan. Each element added to the framework could include learner-centered objectives, possible approaches that could be used to achieve them, timing, and so forth.
A model is a complete "packet" that should be used as directed by the designer/creator and us usually based on a specific supporting framework.. I have worked with Prof. Bruce Hilliard who developed the "Unified Design Model" and is producing excellent result. He can be contacted at [email protected] .
In the context of Educational Research, a framework portrays the well defined and specific roadmaps backed by theories. A model of your research is the clear picture of the reality that the research seeks to address.
A framework is a structural schedule on how a researcher intend to carry out an empirical investigation.
Framework is to do with the form or the what
Model is often to do with how things are done
Surely the reasons why are not less important; that is why we use that framework or model.
The graphic expression of a theory with its own methodology is what forms the model or paradigm. It is necessary to select the most appropriate model according to a theoretical frame of reference. The framework can be what grounds and justifies the theoretical form of the research model. This justification can be theoretical or legal provisions.
La expresión gráfica de una teoría con metodología propia es la que forma el modelo o paradigma. Es necesario seleccionar el modelo más adecuado según un marco teórico de referencia. El marco puede ser lo que fundamenta y justifica la forma teórica del modelo de investigación. Dicha justificación puede ser teórica o de disposiciones legales.
Model is like a subset of a framework. Framework is more practitioner oriented, while model is an outcome of reflections on a certain topic.
Framework indicates the components, dimensions, and directions of the study prior to methodological approach of the researcher, while Model is a theoritical concepts that underscore the dimensions and components of empirical investigations.