the biggest enrironmental issue are we - humans. Because we learned to get rid of the natural constraints maintaining the biological equilibrium: e.g. deseases.
Take an animal population and erase their natural enemies - what happens. The population grows until ressources are used up.
Then the population may return to an equilibrium. We are oh this way and nothing can stop us!
Yes, I totally agree with Dr. Lothar. Human beings are the greatest environmental hazard, as they are exploiting the natural resources without any sense to fulfill their greed to become rich or for their survival or for their foolish attempt to conquer the world.
I tend to agree with A. G. Piyal Aravinna. Emission of greenhouse gases still stand to be the greatest environmental issue in the world in terms of environmental pollution and the future of the earth. This is not because there is no answer to this problem. It is because of the role greenhouse gas materials play in our quest for comfort.
I am afraid, this may continue in the future to come. This problem can only be quickly crippled, like in the case of ozone depleting substances, upon the availability of substitutes for greenhouse gases. I say this because I don't see the willing of humans to compromise their comfort in the name of curbing global warming, or its result climate change.
In the case of ozone depleting substances, it was not about comprising our comfort. It was about going for alternative non-ozone depleting substances or substances with less ozone depleting potential. This saw the world move from chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) to hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), from HCFCs to hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) - which is said to be a non-ozone depleting.
The the Paris Agreement and Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol are evidence of how unwilling humans are to protect the environment at the expense of their comfort or quick economic interest. If you want to question this assertion, then ask yourself: 'Why did the Kyoto Protocol fail?'.
History has taught us that humans are very good at taking shadow response to solving global problems, especially those ones that interface with economic interest. Now, the world is discussing phasing down on HFCs because of its global warming potential. Not phase out as it was in the case of CFCs and HCFCs but phase down. Let us look at the the global climate regime. The Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation plus (REDD+) program is being overemphasised as a way of curbing climate change. Why can't the emphasis be placed on energy? Or is it because developed countries find it difficult to reduce their energy use? Or maybe developing countries are in need of financial supports?
I don't see the REDD+ program succeeding. This is because of corruption and land right issues in most developing countries. Or even if it succeed, how sustainable will it be?
Here are we: we are at the crossroad of making decision, a decision to save planet earth.
If you have not read the following papers, then I recommend that you read them.
“Environment and Development: Friends or Foes in the 21st Century” by Paolo Galizzi and Alena Herklotz
The Poor and the Environment: Friends or Foes? by ROBIN BROAD
Economic Growth and the Environment. Friends or Foes? The Environmental Kuznets Curve for CO2 emissions by Maria Urheim
another Aspekt is that humans are Great in increasing entropy Inside the system in which wie live. Most Things we do is entropy Production which is irreversible. and this increasingly gains speed. Wie are creating a gigantic dissipation of Energy and Mass.
Furthermore the Earth is a non equilibrium System. Any disturbance can result in non-predictable non-linear Effekts.
What will cause the most disruption in the global environmental balance and conflict among Earth's inhabitants is the availability and access to clean drinking water.
Hello! I think big problem for planet is imperfection technosphere. Because big power of humanity don't instal in global biospher. Everything antropogenic power resources, product of industry, waste - extraneous for environment. You can read books of Vernandskij.
the biggest enrironmental issue are we - humans. Because we learned to get rid of the natural constraints maintaining the biological equilibrium: e.g. deseases.
Biggest issue is pollution (that is not visible like gases in the air, therefore people can't see it, so they think everything is fine). Unfortunately, it causes major problems like extreme weather events.. The answer to that is education that takes time to sink in. In the meantime, the problem gets worse, then impossible to fix.
When we discuss environmental issues we must compare current environmental issues to the past where there was low population and human was hardworking and had strong body, no human disorders, no pollution as well as no environmental issues.
With passage of time the humans were moving to easiest way and with the help of science and technology they were decreasing their efforts and producing synthetic items to meet their needs.
Furthermore, the environmental issues is increased as we move away from the natural life.
Now we are at horrible stage of environmental issues (water, air, noise, solid state and Global warming) and this stage can be controlled by using natural products instead of synthetic products.
The biggest environmental issue that the world is facing today is of course pollution, both atmospheric and aquatic, which might have short and long time ecological effects and also on human beings.