What is the bigger evil from a privacy perspective - Internet surveillance under democratic control or corporate data mining of big data? You as a person do not want to live in a  Panopticon - a totally transparent prison house where an authority can see everything you think or do, so there are limitations for how much surveillance that is desirable to have in a democratic country. However some surveillance may be needed to make people with bad intents restrain themselves due to the risk of being detected. On the other hand - corporate data mining is utilised by big companies - social media and search engines to gain knowledge about more or less everything about you, and they use this private information for creating a huge business based on targeted marketing - which may seem fine until you get targeted advertisements after having searched for information you think is private or sensitive. This problem grows even bigger with the advent of smart homes and an Internet of Things, where corporate services and data mining may invade your personal home.

What is the bigger evil of democratically controlled surveillance and corporate data mining, and how should we govern these?

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