Dear Daryn, this would depend on the extent to which the software is complicated or not. Generally, if the IT software simple and easy to learn then self-learning or a CD could help, otherwise might think of doing some face-to-face trainings. Yours,
Thanks for the response. You are correct, and my research indicates a combination of classroom and eLearning are combined when new technology is introduced into an organization. I was thinking more in terms of the anxiety, loss of productivity and resistance. Do you have any feedback in regards to these implications?
I suggest you look into literature associated with "IT in practice" (Orlikowski and others). I'm afraid, though, the answer you will find is that there is no best way. The strategy should be context-dependent. For certain firms one way may work and for others it may fail, so speaking of "best" is rather misguided. In fact, within the same organization, you should probably not use the same strategy for all users, they will have different perceptions, uses, expertise, etc. In any case, it depends on what you mean by introduce: trainining, adoption, acceptance, transfer are all different goals and use different mechanisms. In any case, given your interest in dealing with anxiety, resistance and the like, there is also a big body of work in change management as part of software engineering or information systems development, so combining these terms should provide some further input for you.
Depends whether the organisation actually cares if there is a impact on staff or not. Anything new will (always) cause anxiety and an associated loss of productivity (normally hidden). Whilst it may seem a throw away line remember "a computer means it now takes us 30 minutes to do a job we never had to do before". Additionally there may be resistance, self service can often mean the getting rid of a staff group or possibly dept. that used to do the task but some bean counter somewhere discovered that that department cost money and didn't "produce" anything........ The unfortunate thing is those "costs" will now be spread across many areas and everyone just shrugs and adds an extra 5-10min on their already unpaid overtime. Eventually everyone forgets how well the old system worked and accepts it now takes weeks to achieve what used to happen in days with a whole pile more paperwork.
So how do you get around these things?.......Well for starters you introduce the software to all staff who will be utilising it and you properly train. Training is not pointing someone at some website or subjecting them to death by powerpoint and topping it off with a "sign here you have attended the training session". Rather work with the live system showing several examples and then allow everyone have a "tinker period" and then revisit the training sessions because everyone learns by different methods and at different rates. What ever you do don't assume that everyone will understand and quickly pickup how to use the new system because it "just common sense". Think of M$ Office when (in their infinite wisdom) decided to change the user interface. I would guess thousands of hours were wasted by people just trying to do what they did last week but now couldn't because nothing looked the same.
I think it depends on the changes which the software cause in the organization. If it includes all of the members, It should be done with a rational speed for learning and implementing. parallel using from the previous method and the new one is a good opportunity for employees to learn in an effective way. However in my experience you should say pros and cons of that software before your employee find that.
I think IT people need to realise that introducing software in an organisation brings about change. IT people often do not bother about change management at all or else leave it to other people to manage. Moreover, for IT people, the software is something to be welcomed and they cannot understand why anyone would resist it. Thus, they misunderstand resistance to change as corporate politics or laziness. We need to integrate change management (and this is a well researched topic of management) in the implementation of IT systems.
Thank you for the answers and contributions, research is all over the map as the rate of change in demographics and technology are faster than the pace of research-particularly in most of the western world. The early boomer generation seem to resist socio-techno change greater than those of the late boomer to present day demographic cohorts. When I was a kid wearing a hat indoors was taboo or worse, today texting around some members of my family is unwelcomed in the same way. Having said that changing software or technology at work is also an opportunity to build synergy, get people connect, by asking for help. HR/operations people should be front and centre leading the change, starting from procurement to execution. Eliminate all of the points of stress before they lead to voluntary turnover. Creating the conditions for change, talking to people, explaining the necessity of the change and how everyone will benefit is a good rule of thumb - if the company cares.
I havent used a DVD/CD drive in years and while they do have value (long-term data storage) many desktop or notebook PCs will be sold without them. Windows 8 and the move toward open-source software and digital everything are trends that history (tapes, VCRs,) shown move in one direction. (Although some say tapes will make a comback as a storage media). Keeping an eye on trends, competitors and employees is critical in an era where talent management is the the game changer. "Keep your people happy-they will keep your clients happy-clients will build your business.."
Definitely, you need solid implementation or introduction plan which incorporates training, conversion strategy if you have older system to phase out, business process integration testing, maintenance strategy with support staff, incentives for switching to the new system, possibly tied to performance evaluation, etc. More importantly, your top management should be in action.
if your organisation is public one i can assure you in first step you should have top management support else do nothing. after that if you are sure from first step you had to gain key user support while your in implementing step. the other user just have to follow and learn how o use it so you can choose the proper way to train them. it is just my experience in order to introduction new accounting information system in public sector. pure action research.
Lots of different experiences as one will observe by going through the above comments and once again thank you for taking the time to write them. My review of the literature and case studies on the issue suggests the following is necessary: 1) A communication plan explaining why the technological change is necessary focusing on what the challenges and benefits will be. 2) There is a lot of flexibility for customization and therefore simplification of software-tell the vendor what you want and they will make or modify it. Management, particularly human resource and frontline managers should play a role during the procurement stage as they will understand employee capacity best-or should. Further, software development companies will be most receptive when the transaction is at the pre-sale stage. My network of software and hardware developers tells me, if I need something say a specific application, I would only need to sit down with them, explain what I want and then they would make it or modify what they have; its less complex then most decision makers are aware 3) Developing a training strategy should include input from the end users and an environment of mutual-support should be developed-everyone should help each other. Large companies would be smart to hold focus groups prior to making a multi-million dollar capital investment; results can be used in training 4) Implementation of the software should occur in stages, so that trainers and end users are not bogged down by information-anxiety overload. Survey and feedback sessions should be a component of the training process.
I understand that these 4 suggests won't apply across the board, but the principles might. And as Mr. Tremethick stated, "if the company cares...".
On a separate note:
Over the past 4-18 months, companies at various times have made the switch from Windows XP to windows 7 or 8.1. I am a fan of windows 8 but I believe the general public was not ready to make that leap even though future devices will be based on the template. Has anyone experienced this and if so any thoughts?
One important thing is that it should come from the people. Thus user involvement right from the beginning is important. Next change management should be planned rigorously and resistance monitored closed and issues addressed honestly.
Based on past experience in some consulting firms when they helped their client to introduce a new complex IT system, they usually roll out an "Organizational Change" or "Management of Change" program. This program consists of few components which include: 1) Stakeholder Engagement, 2) User Readiness, 3) Communication, 4) Sustainability and 5) Training.
1) Stakeholder Engagement - this component pertaining to interlock with the organizational stakeholder to develop change vision, change strategy & activity plan and risk mitigation plan
2) User Readiness - to identify potential user-side risks and anticipate points of resistance due to the change roll out. Deliverables include user group discussion, user surveys (if required), readiness assessment, change impact analysis, recommendations for remedial interventions
3) Communication - this is to create awareness and motivation among users to adopt the new IT system. Deliverables include communication plan with specific deliverables & timelines, promotional collaterals (if required)
4) Sustainability - include some long term activities to ensure the new IT system adoption is sustained in the organization. Such activities include establishing KPIs with stakeholders for monitoring the adoption of the new IT system over time, establish ownership sustainability programs with stakeholders, recommend measurement system to track adoption, utilization & proficiency of individual user changes
5) Training - activities within this component include analyzing user specific skills and training needs in relation to their job-role (this includes technical training, process training, soft-skill training etc as required), creating training objectives & select the most appropriate training method and format, select the appropriate instructional design & technology to develop the content and materials, provide tools & techniques to evaluate training effectiveness and collecting user feedback. Lastly, train the trainers to conduct the training course.