With Soybean target yield of 18 quintal per acre, I am applying (all dose per acre)
40 kg P2O5 (soil Olsen P is 20 ppm),
45 kg murate of potash (soil K 180 ppm),
10 kg sulphur (gandhak)
Micronutrients mix, sulphate salts of
10 kg Zn and Fe each; 2 kg Cu and Mn
And 1kg Mo and B.
In addition 2 T Vermicompost
(Along with Rizobium and PSB seed treatment)
In highly cited review paper on Soybean N uptake, there is reference of 200 Kg N uptake (above ground biomass) by 20 qtl / acre Soybean. With 20% in below ground. This is 240 kg/acre. Assuming 40 % uptake from BNF, this works out to be ~ 140 kg. However excess basal dose negativity affects nodule establishment. So I propose to experiment a split application: Basal 40 kg (Ammonium in DAP + Urea). Which should be the next points of applications?? And in what form?