The existing methods of coastal dune measurement vary according to their particular use, which might include: a) advancement of technology, b) different relief shape, c) aim of measurement scale (surface and time), d) weather and sunlight conditions, e) cost of employed technique for measurement, f) time available for measurement, and g) available staff.
(1) The Global Positioning System (G.P.S) device, which is a receiver for signals sent by a number of satellites spread around the globe, and through this device, it is possible to determine the coordinates of longitude and width in degrees, minutes and seconds, in addition to the level.
(2) A device for measuring the slope to the nearest half of a degree, known as the Level Building Scale. Abney-Level
(3) Teal tape to measure lengths.
(4) Plastic bags - for sampling sediments, on which are written all the data on the sample collection process, including sample number, location and date, in addition to a trowel for sampling.
(5) Graduated wooden poles placed around the dunes to estimate sand encroachment rates.
(6) A camera and films to photograph the most important phenomena in the study area.