20 November 2018 7 774 Report

Utilisation of heat transfer enhancement methods usually comes with undesired results; e.g. increased exergy destruction and/or pressure drop, which impose constraints of thermodynamic or practical nature.

Are there any standards (or otherwise, references which contain such standards) for definition of an optimisation problem for an energy system (heat exchangers, in my case)?

I'm mostly looking for material that can answer questions like the one that follows:

Q: Which optimisation problem is more suitable? And what are the proper values for "Given value" terms?

Problem 1: (Single-objective)

maximise Heat transfer enhancement

subject to Pressure drop increment < Given value

& Exergy destruction increment < Given value

Problem 2: (Multi-objective)

maximise Heat transfer enhancement

& -(Pressure drop increment)

subject to Exergy destruction increment < Given value

and on...

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