I want to optimize values of two variables in order to achieve maximum coverage in WSNs. Those two variables exist in a function that its terms changed according to acondation. What is best optimization technique that can achieve what I want ?
You could formulate the problem as a two stage optimization problem. You could try linear or non linear programming techniques. Graph theoretical approach can also be used formulating the flow in networks - A special technique known as Maximal Flow Model exists in the tool kit of operations research.
There is no BEST in the practical world. You are yourself using the term 'optimization'.
Therefore pl look for a method to select the most optimum tool for your problem i e to optimize values of two variables in order to achieve maximum coverage in WSNs.
first y you have to specify the conditions (constraints) on the objective and the objective function which expresses the coverage.
If you are able to express these in explicit form you'll easily see what type of optimization problem you have....
With only two variables you would have to resort to meta-heuristics only in the case that there is no formula expressing the coverage or if it can only be computed by a black-box algorithm - or if the properties of the functions do not allow to use general-purpose optimization methods (e.g. no convexity, but global optimum needed).
I strongly recomment the paper uploaded by Amin Nobahari - in gives mathematically rigorous definitions and a rather good overview of scalarization techniques!
The overview is of course not complete (e.g. the methods by Steuer, Zionts–Wallenius, Zeleny), but all the main categories are there. And everyone could use Wikipedia to find some more....