14 Questions 145 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sergey Porotsky
House-selling is one of the typical tasks of the Optimal Stopping problems. Offers come in daily for an asset, such as a house, that you wish to sell. Let Xi denote the amount of the offer...
04 February 2024 4,438 4 View
The term “spurious correlation” refers to a high correlation that is actually due to some third factor. Consider some statistical dataset, where both input factors and output parameter are binary....
18 January 2021 8,173 25 View
LSTM tools of the Matlab allow us to perform classification of the time-series. It is assumed, that different time-series can have different length, but they should have same interval of...
14 October 2020 3,655 3 View
Matlab tools for Deeep Learning allow us to solve classification tasks with static features (e.g., pixels values of images) and tasks with dynamic features (time-series). For time-series it is...
07 September 2020 10,147 6 View
Suppose we have statistics N(m1, m2), where m1 is the value of the first factor, m2 is the value of the second factor, N(m1, m2) is the number of observations corresponding to the values of...
24 April 2020 6,631 9 View
On the traditional statistics tasks simultaneously with Probability Value calculation usually we can also estimate Confidence Interval for this Probability value (with some pre-defined Confidence...
29 April 2019 4,973 3 View
I've read several times that on the problems of large dimension (Image Recognition, Text Mining, ...), the Deep Learning method gives significantly higher accuracy than the "classical" methods...
06 May 2018 5,147 13 View
Hello! I have statistics of the times of events of the GRP, they are sequential CM (Corrective Maintenance) and PM (Preventive Maintenance) with some restoration factors. Based on Maximum...
24 September 2017 8,228 30 View
I have read a few articles about machine learning using for Prostate Cancer diagnostics ("black box" models). They use some Data Sets (PCPT, SABOR, SPNBD, PBCG, EDRN,...). Perhaps, somebody can...
12 June 2017 5,419 4 View
Values of some parameters for some objects are missing (blank). How to use (transform) SVM classification method for such Data Sets? Please, give me advises, links, references, articles, etc....
21 May 2017 2,901 12 View
Last years for continuous multi-extremal optimization were developed a few random search oriented methods. There are Simulated Annealing and Genetic algorithms (implemented on the Matlab Global...
02 February 2017 2,850 8 View
I should solve binary classification task. For training (and further for new object recognition) I can use two cohorts. First have M1 records (for N1 features + label), second has M2 records (for...
01 January 1970 2,780 11 View
In recent years, quite a few reports have been published of the results based on the statistical information processing. For example, a study establishes that the use of a certain remedy (some...
01 January 1970 4,449 3 View
Dear friends, hello! I have been interested in one question for a long time and I really want to discuss it with you. I will be glad to any of your responses. Thanks a lot in advance. Regards,...
01 January 1970 8,726 25 View