Despite there being tens of thousands of rabies cases each year worldwide, there has never been a laboratory-documented case of human-to-human transmission, other than the very few cases resulting from organ transplant (see above). Despite the lack of evidence for human-to-human transmission, people who have been exposed closely to the secretions of a patient with rabies will sometimes be offered immunisation purely as a precautionary measure.
The principal reservoir for rabies in most of the world is the dog. The virus multiplies in the salivary glands of an infected host.It is transmitted to humans by the bite of infected animal, or by aerosols of the virus that can spread in caves where bats roost, or by contamination of scratches, abrasions, open wounds and mucous membranes with saliva from an infected animal. Inter human transmission is exceptional, two known rabies cases transmitted by corneal transplant. The presence of rabies virus in the cornea has been confirmed by the impression technique and direct immuno fluorescence.