Wow, that is a broad question! What area of educational studies are you interested in? A starting point could be to start checking papers in journals and conference proceedings on education research to get a feeling of what kind of work is being performed recently.
and Esther van der Stappen . In addition to these caveats, research is often not national or regional - people co-author papers in international constellations, publish in international journals, etc. However there are some research traditions, and categories of research subjects. I recommend that you either specify some of these or just start with reading research from some highly productive and globally influential scholar with overview over several fields, as Gert Biesta (education philosophy) or Simon Marginson (on internationalisation of education). Both are on Researchgate.
I have to give a pre course for a PhD program and I want the participants to learn of the actual state of Educational Research in Mexico (This I have), but also throughout the world. I would like to know what evaluation of OCDE-CERI has of Educational Resarch as well as the report of the International Association of Scientific Research in Education (AFIRSE) and any recent news, articles or books on International Education. Thank you Ben and Esther for answering!!!
I have been involved in research in various fields of educational science since the 1960s, i.e. for more than half a century. I cannot say, even with regard to the international scene, that much has changed in the findings of educational science, neither in theory nor in research. Much greater changes have occurred in the environmental and living conditions, which have been optimised for a small part of global society in the course of scientific and technological progress, but also in certain social changes, while dramatic changes (deteriorations) in living conditions have occurred in many continents, so that in some countries, for example, there is a great backlog of scientific knowledge.
Educational science as a scientific discipline with its own research, institutes and university chairs has basically only existed since the 20th century - even though "education" has taken place far from the beginnings of civilisation. It cannot be said that, looking back over the last 120 years, a lot of independent research approaches have emerged which have then become a model for other sciences. Mostly it was and is the other way around: Educational science takes up findings and methods from other sciences - especially biology, psychology, statistics, sociology, anthropology - and applies them for its own purposes. This applies to didactics, performance measurement, the social significance of education and much more. The guiding concepts of science and research also come almost exclusively from other sciences, for example, terms such as postmodernity, emancipation, reliability and validity of research results, constructivism, social class, paradima (and paradigm shift). But it doesn't matter, there is a lot to do in educational research.
Thank you Hein. I agree with you 100%. I too have been involved in Educational Research since 1970 in Mexico and nothing much has changed in the field of Research itself, but many more people have been involved in an organization which is called COMIE (Mexican Council of Educational Research) since 1980 since we recuperate all the research done throughout the country every ten years and publish it in several volumes. We publish summaries of Books, Articles in Journals and Postgraduate Thesis. Of these I do have all the information, but I would like to know what is being researched in the field in other countries.