It is very difficult to establish exact identity of a plant without flowers and fruits. Previously it was guessed as some fern species. But this close image indicates that plant is a member of Fabaceae family.
I think the same than the previous comments. But to know where comes from and the type of vegetation or environment could help to guess. It seems like a Zygophyllaceae as well, in addition to Legume.
I agree with most comments about lack of identifyable structures. But perhaps more important would be to provide minimal info on habit and habitat... not to mention geographic region. Is it a vine, a tree or a forb?, doest it have thornes? (features that the image somewhat suggests) Old World?, tropical? ... Please!
I agree with colleages above: would go with a mimosoid legume or, better, a Zygoph
I also agree with most colleagues comments, you should give us more details. I don't think it is a tribulus, but I lean to a legume. I was thinking about kind of vesce but since I see a woody part in the image, it is probably a shrub or tree (Acacia). There is many folioles, Probably you should thins also about the genus of Astragalus and Anthyllis