Considering that happiness is both the objective reality and subjective perceptions of life and that it is dynamic, multidimensional and relative concept operating at different levels/context (from individual, country  to global ) , the pertinent question that comes repeatedly to my mind is what is the real purpose/goal of life and  how does it relate to the any country’s goal of sustainable development ? Is it the eternal quest of everyone for real happiness as the ultimate end in itself, or something else?  What motivate different seekers (e.g., identity seekers; revenge seekers; thrill seekers; wealth/power seeker, spiritual seekers and so on) seeking for what they define their real source of happiness?  No hope, no life, no development and no happiness but hopelessness is also not always happilessness. Is the quest of sustainable happiness possible to attain and measured through the pursuit of sustainable development or vice versa?  

Thanking you in advance for your opinions.  

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