What is equivalent energy of biofertilizers (rhizobium, PSB, KSB, etc)? Or how can we calculate equivalent energy of organic manure (FYM, neem cake manure, etc) input?
Organic amendment can be put into mineral terms as in NPK nitrogen Phosphorus and Potassium content.
The benefits of organic input goes well beyond the NPK as the humic substances in organic manure work as plant growth regulators.
The growth regulation factor can work at very low concentrations of parts per million and is effective in stimulate early rooting in particuilar but it also includes stimulating plant resistance and adaptation to stress.
The organic amendment is also a rouce of beneficial biology which it does by stimulating probiotic microbes. The organic matter serve as both substrate and housing for these bacteria fungi etc.
Organic amendments and synthetic agricultural ones are not equilivalent.