09 September 2015 3 7K Report

If survey data at national level available on national website..if somebody want to use the data which available for the public domain.. If somebody used  national or state level data and analyzed same..would it be a original research ..?? if no then what type of such research as in journal they asked for specifying the type of research.  e.g. Original.. review...case study...commentary... etc... SO as in above case i just used the available data on website for public domain for my research and i did not collected this data...(but this data is available for the public domain) and  no body else an-lazed same data and i found there may some trend/findings/insight/new knowledge) may come up with analysis ...then what kind of research is this..is it Original research? (as based on Original data available on website for public domain and not published in research earlier) what my understanding is that it would be Original data as data is there and nobody else analysed this...so please need your help to clear such terms..

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