the Magic is kind of controlling some events for good or bad purpose and aim. when it is for bad purposes. we call it Black Magic.
we have two kinds of Black Magic.
1-Black Magic goes through witches. they use power of some super power creatures to control events; which is related to devil as it has something to do with evil as they use it for bad purposes.
2-Black Magic or Black Art goes through Magicians. they use their skill to make illusions to control events; which is related to devil as it has something to do with evil as they use it for bad purposes.
and for both of them whether witch or magician, they need to have design skill. as witch design signs to communicate with super power creatures to control them to do something for witch's aim; also magician design signs (through design semantics) to make illusion to communicate with men to control them to do something for magician's aim. (here we can call these magician as designer, singer, artist, actor, illusionist, and ...)
Mainly a communication that is interchangeably developed through graphic design. it is also a crossover between information development and design through which we can communicate in different media or forms. In a way, a communication interface between people and design.
In graphic design he is always communicating, using color, shapes, typefaces, composition, and armada of all the arts and graphic pieces; These can be for advertising, corporate communication, illustration and the entire editorial theme.
The way in which the graphic piece is elaborated, distributed and handled is essential to achieve an excellent communication message.
The future scope of Communication Design? "Communication" is a broad topic, too broad for ONE design. At the high-end, it will be more psychology based and fine-tuned via data analysis. On the low-end, it will be entertainment based. The vast middle ground will be full of interesting experiments and various levels of methodological compromises.
Psychologically we register more as visual play as colours/text/form, etc. The balance act of doing it in a systematic way is the key to Communication Design
Communication design is a well crafted blend of the different disciplines in communication, such as a mixed of discipline between and among media tools/channels (tv, print, radio, net and alike) intended to deliver your message to your identified audience. So technically, it is composed of a "design plan" to get your message across. Hope, it helps you.