The performance qualifier is described as what an individual does in his or her

current environment. Since the current environment always includes the overall

societal context, performance can also be understood as "involvement in a life

situation" or "the lived experience" of people in their actual context.

The capacity qualifier describes an individual’s ability to execute a task or an

action. This construct indicates the highest probable level of functioning of a

person in a given domain at a given moment, and to assess the capacity it is said that one would need to have a “standardized environment". But again, it has been mentioned that the capacity qualifier assumes a 'naked person' assessment, that is, the person's capacity without personal assistance or the use of assistive devices.

So what is measured in actual life situations, capacity or performance?

Eg: A patient walks 10 meters in 5 minutes using an AFO and walks 10 meters in 15 minutes without an AFO. What in this case is capacity and performance?

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