Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are employed in electricity and smart grid optimization due to their proficiency in navigating complex, nonlinear search spaces and their capability to handle multi-objective, multi-dimensional problems robustly and flexibly. They operate by simulating the process of natural selection, starting with an initial population of potential solutions and iteratively selecting, crossing over, and mutating individuals based on their fitness to the problem, such as cost efficiency or reliability in grid performance. This iterative process continues until an optimal or satisfactory solution is found, making GAs particularly suitable for the dynamic and often unpredictable nature of smart grid optimization tasks.
Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are heuristic algorithms widely used for performing optimization especially in complex systems. Indeed, in those circumstances, finding the exaxt solution to the problem at hand could be very hard because of lack of information or mathematical issues. Smart Grids (SGs) are basically groups of modular interconnected electrical grids with many nodes (e.g. residential buildings) and elements (e.g. batteries and PV generators), generally aimed at reaching the minimum operative costs for their users. Therefore, energy flows between nodes have to be optimized with the aforementioned purpose. To sum up, GA optimization is useful for SGs since they are complex systems to be optimized.