in my opinion, there are actual practical example in best practice application in the SCM. To share my understanding about best practices, here is my understanding.
A best practice is a unique way to configure a process or a set of processes. The uniqueness can be related to issues such as the automation of the process; a technology applied to the process; special skills applied to the process and others. The SCOR model defines”best practice as a current, structured, proven and repeatable method for making a positive impact on desired operational results“. SCOR best practices have been collected from diverse industries by SCOR practitioners. SCOR recognizes that several different types of practices exist within any organization: leading or emerging practices; best practices; common practices; and poor practices. What is important to understand, is that different practices have different performance expectations. Best practice analysis follows the benchmarking activity that should have measured the performance of the supply chain processes and identified the main performance gaps. It is understood that not all best practices will yield the same results for all industries or supply chains.