HMG-CoA inhibitors dont really diminish cholesterol on N-S, and hypertrigliceridemia i havent found proper management of it on N-S, but searching for more information i found ideas of PPAR stimulation and potentiation of HMG-Coa Inhibitors, diminish lipid profile and better outcomes, and using ezetimibe and atorvastatine its better for cholesterol management and atorvastatine with a glitazone improves outcome, also that glitazone tend to protect the kidney, but i havent found studies using ezetimibe plus atorvastatine or simvastatine plus glitazone to try and improve outcome of dyslipidemia on N-S.
So can the triple therapy of glitazone plus ezetimibe plus atorvastatine or simvastine be used in N-S and would or can improve the outcome of dyslipidemia in N-S.
Can someone provide additional information, or ideas regarding the hypothetical treatment or some guidelines with information of dyslipidemias on N-S, preventing Cerebral Vascular Diseases.