Many oils have a high boiling point, but I'd like to obtain an oil that has a boiling point near 80 degrees Celsius for an oil bath. Has experience lead you to prefer one over another?
That depends on the specific application. Where do you intend to use a bath oil?! In a gear box?! Why do you want a lower boiling point than the usual one?! For example, a refined motor oil will boil at around 300 degrees Celsius (572 degrees Fahrenheit). Some researchers assert that when we talk about oils we should rather refer to the so called "smoking point". Please be more explicitly.
Thank you. I am replicating a protocol that simply used an oil bath for the even and accurate distribution of temperature. I have emailed them with no response, but they recommended an oil with a "boiling point" nearest the temperature we are seeking. Mineral oil seems to be the most common, but wanted to know if others recommend a different oil. This is mostly new to me - as I'm just getting started.
Castor oil is used for oil bath to remove pain and any ache.Oil bath has been a tradition found from ancient times especially as part of Ashtanga tradition. Now with changing patterns, people often have bath without having their head getting wet. Various types of oils are being used for oil bath These are coconut, sesame, medicated oil, Oil: Coconut is the main type of oil which has been widely used by most of the people. There are a number of herbal oils available in the market like Hibiscus thailam, Vatika oil, etc. There are a number of Ayurvedic thailams available in the market. It is better to consult a doctor to identify the right type of oil that suits your body. The oils which are used for oil bath are Neelibringhadi Thailam, Kumkumadi Thailam , Thriphladi Thailam, etc
I'm also looking for a suitable oil for oil bath to heat the reaction mixture upto 200 degrees Celsius (for the laboratory usage). the price is also very important. because Ive checked the Sigma Aldrich and Merck's products for silicon oil but they are really expensive ($300-400 just for 1 litter).
In the end I used mineral oil in a pan (7x7x7) with an immersion heater, for use with beakers. I was able to get very steady temperatures (although my reaction mixture didn't need 200 degrees).
Good evening. I need time control oil bath. Can anyone help me what is the best time control oil bath. I want to heat the sample for 3 hours on 4C per 10 minutes heating rate.