17 December 2022 2 3K Report

It can be said the perfect green market thinking is the one that comes from correcting the knowledge base of the perfect traditional market so as to be able to correct environmentally distorted traditional market prices to transform them in green market prices.

This is the perfect market thinking behind the ideas of green economy and green growth and green markets that were supposed to be advanced since 2012 RIO +20(UNCSD) to address environmental issues head on, but the world went the way of dwarf green markets instead.

Hence, instead of going to a perfect market(Green market) to address the environmental concerns distorting the traditional market pricing mechanism, we moved to an imperfect market(Dwarf green market) to deal with environmental issues since 2012.

In other words, instead of going the way of environmental pollution reduction markets we went the way of environmental pollution management markets.

And this raises the question, What is a dwarf green market ?

Any ideas?

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